WARPIG.com WGP Autococker Discussion Forum
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Post A WGP Autococker Message!
- Generic Viagra1.56! -
"Murtazin" US 22:58:50 04/05/07
- velocity with a 03 outkast -
"spdang3l" 13:30:45 12/20/04
- i need a new reg... -
Svenofreckless 18:13:49 05/02/04
- I have an '01 right feed cocker which bolt to get? -
"casefase9" California 23:02:44 04/29/04
- heavy blowback -
"ottobot" 03:44:07 04/01/04
- 1999 autococker questions -
"Fox_0189" 14:20:49 02/24/04
- poldo -
"poldo" 07:34:59 02/02/04
- Need help with Bolts -
"Geek1246" Michigan 06:09:51 01/22/04
- Air -
"Backman246" 12:10:19 01/16/04
- Re: Air -
"Geek1246" Michigan 06:07:17 01/22/04
- Air -
"Backman246" 12:09:53 01/16/04
"J_O_H_N_N_Y" 12:05:23 01/16/04
- autococker upgrades -
curt_nav_as 14:48:53 01/12/04
- My New cocker -
Fireman778 18:00:42 01/10/04
- Vengance type x Question -
Luther_D "luther" Mangrum 17:50:45 01/10/04
- Autococker Videos -
Speedysotcker 16:59:55 01/10/04
Oscar_ 06:40:14 01/09/04
- Vengeance 2.0 Pro series/Attitude -
Cablecop 00:24:38 01/09/04
- Halo or EV2 with E-Blade -
Pittbull 20:03:12 01/08/04
- Halo or EV2 with E-Blade -
Pittbull 20:02:55 01/08/04
- Autococker shoots fine but wont shoot the paint... -
Dan_ "*Doc*" Styles 16:59:26 01/08/04
- Why not? -
Corey "Geek1246" Post 06:27:07 01/08/04
- Alaska weather and chopping problems -
smokejumper 01:56:10 01/08/04
- Hinge Trigger Frame -
kamakazee 21:00:33 01/07/04
- My Orracle Is really loud! -
Speedysotcker 18:58:07 01/07/04
- installing e blade on older cocker -
G-Spin 08:39:35 01/07/04
- Autococker bottom line -
Fireman778 11:43:01 01/06/04
- nitro tank for cocker -
Orracles_rock 21:51:06 01/05/04
- Flatline barrel -
Steve "B-Ski" Biedrzycki 02:16:41 01/05/04
- Need some help! -
Speedysotcker 20:01:37 01/04/04
- should i upgrade to an eblade -
Oscar_ 23:42:41 01/03/04
- Trigger/Timing Rod help with vengeance 2.0 -
trp86 12:46:24 01/03/04
- more trouble -
azlan 13:56:02 12/31/03
- also -
azlan 15:19:16 12/31/03
- Dye Ultralight Cocker -
andy "Pie" perry 10:43:40 12/29/03
- Dye Ultralight Cocker -
andy "Pie" perry 10:43:33 12/29/03
- My Marker -
Speedysotcker 14:25:49 12/28/03
- DROP FORWARDS!!!!!!! -
Trev-o knoxville 23:56:46 12/27/03
- Damaged and Replaced Ram -
Paul "Pigseye" Plieseis 21:28:35 12/27/03
- ???????????????????????? -
Trev-o knoxville 18:04:22 12/26/03
- yes -
Ni!!! 23:14:52 12/26/03
- CO2 On an Orracle Autococker -
Speedysotcker 20:45:25 12/25/03
- Grips -
Backman24 19:51:02 12/24/03
- how many shots can you get? -
azlan 17:18:10 12/24/03
- low pressure -
pooper 13:34:11 12/23/03
That_guy_from_Half-Baked 20:57:20 12/21/03
- Nm -
That_guy_from_Half-Baked 10:48:32 12/22/03
- Empire -
Backman24 15:08:36 12/18/03
Trev-o knoxville 18:36:26 12/17/03
- Where do you buy them? -
Speedysotcker 13:31:21 12/17/03
- 98 Body machining mods for LP internals.... -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 15:28:28 12/15/03
- Dye Reflex, or WGP Black Magic -
Speedysotcker 21:45:01 12/14/03
- what bolt -
azlan 14:00:52 12/13/03
Trev-o knoxville 11:37:11 12/13/03
Trev-o knoxville 23:10:59 12/12/03
- Dye Reflex Autocoker or Impulse...Please Help!! -
Speedysotcker 19:46:54 12/12/03
- psychoballistics lightning -
kamakazee 14:10:56 12/07/03
- NEED HELP W/ COCKER!!!!!!!! -
Orracles_rock 22:49:29 12/04/03
- 2k2 vs 2k2 -
Fireman778 21:20:10 11/30/03
- ahhh need help -
azlan 16:49:00 11/29/03
- huge problems, what the cause? -
wes "Want-a-timmy?-i-do" c. 11:58:42 11/29/03
- 3 Way Timing -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 09:23:47 12/02/03
- Multiple Cocker Questions -
kamakazee 15:35:04 11/28/03
- E-Blade sear solenoid -
Derek "saltnvinegar6287" Meinke 11:09:56 11/27/03
- ????????? -
Trev-o knoxville 00:14:29 11/27/03
- settings for my 2k3 e-blade -
Duffalo 16:34:24 11/26/03
- Problem with Brand New Cocker -
Kyle "Lewie" De_Young 00:10:20 11/26/03
- ok where can i buy a bottemline -
azlan 20:36:51 11/23/03
- 2k2 'Cocker or Electro? -
IrishKid 15:55:31 11/23/03
- 2K2 Stock Cocker -
IrishKid 17:10:23 11/22/03
- i aint the smartest person -
azlan 16:11:28 11/21/03
- yes -
b2k3 21:09:42 11/21/03
- Suggestions for nitro -
Kyle "Lewie" De_Young 23:17:21 11/20/03
- ok another question -
azlan 21:15:22 11/20/03
Trev-o knoxville 20:47:18 11/20/03
- what is? -
azlan 20:47:14 11/20/03
- ???????????? -
Trev-o knoxville 23:03:59 11/18/03
- WHAT Pressure makes low pressure for -
LAURA "Btimmy" SARGENT 21:38:11 11/17/03
- QEV website finally running...... -
the electrician 22:10:39 11/16/03
- co2 or air -
bunker_boy_2433 16:30:18 11/13/03
- Is kapp reflex a good tourney cocker? -
Btimmy 21:43:48 11/11/03
Trev-o knoxville 23:30:36 11/10/03
- best stores -
matt carter 10:00:09 11/10/03
Trev-o knoxville 23:04:03 11/09/03
Trev-o knoxville 23:03:09 11/09/03
- Sandridge Cocker Parts -
titanbaseball16 21:26:18 11/09/03
- Sandridge Cocker Parts -
titanbaseball16 21:25:53 11/09/03
- need some specifications -
hipboyscott 15:28:26 11/07/03
- Outkast? -
chris klepek 18:46:08 11/06/03
Mijintel 05:25:42 11/06/03
- orracle valve -
matt carter 00:19:08 11/04/03
- buyin a cocker -
killiansphish 12:32:06 11/03/03
- Where to get the hammer with the set screws. -
Spray-N-Pray 22:37:52 11/01/03
- custom cocker body -
Nick "vettdog" Vetter 21:35:18 10/30/03
noch 12:33:32 10/30/03
- cleaning 2k3 -
Chronik 23:36:15 10/29/03
- Just got a new auto cocker 2k3 -
Chronik 22:02:53 10/29/03
- Just got a n ew auto cocker 2k3 -
Chronik 22:02:28 10/29/03
- 1995 Cocker problems/suggestions -
Cecil "GhostRider" Brackett 10:42:03 10/28/03
- cocker for sale -
paintballhallic 08:00:45 10/26/03
- why,s NITRO so much better??????????? -
andrew "iradicade" luna 19:24:53 10/25/03
Trev-o knoxville 19:46:57 10/24/03
noch 12:33:28 10/23/03
- hammers -
matt carter 19:39:16 10/21/03
- can the dye pneumatic system fit on the wgp03 vert -
andrew "iradicade" luna 00:13:47 10/21/03
- i have a ? -
Trev-o knoxville 21:57:22 10/20/03
- 2k2 autococker, check it out -
Dan Clemson 21:37:35 10/20/03
- e-blade settings -
Mijintel 17:57:02 10/18/03
- Frames -
Corey "Geek1246" Post 10:39:24 10/17/03
- eblade software upgrade ? -
dwayne "e-cocker1" miller 00:32:54 10/17/03
- Upgrades -
Crupt 13:44:38 10/16/03
- What should I get? -
DJDOUGHBOY 01:16:54 10/16/03
- can ne1 tell me -
Trev-o knoxville 18:39:26 10/15/03
- Which front pneumatics kit? -
Bradley "Big_Cheese" Reardon 13:57:23 10/15/03
- is a -
Trev-o knoxville 22:55:25 10/13/03
- Re: is a -
b2k3 13:26:00 10/14/03
- Re: is a -
Trev-o knoxville 23:43:15 10/14/03
- Re: is a -
Trev-o knoxville 23:42:47 10/14/03
- Re: is a -
joe "SnIp3rSh0t" ramos 00:20:44 10/15/03
- i jsut bought an outkast i need help! -
matt_big_pimpin 19:46:38 10/09/03
- i jsut bought an outkast i need help! -
matt_big_pimpin 19:46:25 10/09/03
- i jsut bought an outkast i need help! -
matt_big_pimpin 19:45:58 10/09/03
- E-Blade Timing Settings -
J "Clown_Prince" Logan 04:21:28 10/09/03
- Buying an autococker -
Marshmallow 12:08:42 10/05/03
- Autococker thread problem -
Jeremy Brown 18:36:55 10/01/03
- freak or ultralite?? -
Mijintel 06:01:53 09/28/03
- 32 degree cocker question -
Homebrew 12:22:44 09/27/03
- shocktech or orracle front block? -
CoReY DeVaughn 08:00:45 09/22/03
- Where to buy eblade/worrblade -
Jeremy Brown 03:26:53 09/22/03
- reg and asa -
DukieNukem 02:25:45 09/19/03
- trigger job -
the_only_rhino88 22:18:27 09/17/03
- how do i adjust the pull.... -
DukieNukem 21:27:42 09/16/03
- Sandridge cocker -
tapeworm 19:42:13 09/15/03
- what's to great about a cocker? -
the_only_rhino88 18:50:00 09/14/03
- which trigger frame!?!? -
DukieNukem 13:20:06 09/13/03
- What is the cost of these 99 Autocoker upgrades -
JonMan 22:09:10 09/11/03
- E-Blade problem -
Jon "NUTZIN!!!" Mutz 19:44:58 09/11/03
- co2 to hpa -
matt carter 21:53:12 09/10/03
- Screw on bottom of front block? -
paint_fodder 17:30:41 09/09/03
- pressure? -
matt carter 03:06:36 09/09/03
- Freak Inserts Broken? -
SniperD 10:02:31 09/06/03
- yea im a newbie -
DukieNukem 20:00:22 09/02/03
- yea im a newbie.... -
DukieNukem 19:54:28 09/02/03
- eblade -
Justin_Koziol Koziol 01:10:29 09/02/03
- worr gas -
matt carter 18:31:32 09/01/03
- upgrades? -
Orracles_rock 21:17:30 08/31/03
- freeflow eblade cocker -
Mike Roch 20:05:13 08/31/03
- ball choppage!! AHHH!! -
Big__C_ 00:37:43 08/31/03
- how are 3-A barrels -
DukieNukem 18:07:20 08/29/03
- bolt/ball detent problem -
paintballer86 11:45:40 08/29/03
- autococker 2k3 vert feed timing? -
Mijintel 14:16:08 08/28/03
Weston_ "WHIT" Whitfield 16:38:54 08/23/03
- Stock class feed tube???? -
Bill "dudambl3" Duda_jr 02:25:57 08/23/03
- A few cocker Q's (im an autococker newbie) -
DukieNukem 18:06:55 08/21/03
- ans or orracle front block -
CoReY DeVaughn 10:48:37 08/21/03
- !2" vs 14" barrel -
Jeremy Brown 14:20:51 08/20/03
- Dye body? -
Bill "dudambl3" Duda_jr 04:41:57 08/20/03
- rec cocker -
zinny 14:39:50 08/18/03
- System-x or worr???? -
Oscar_ 22:54:28 08/17/03
- I need help with my 98 autococker PLEASE!!! -
Adam plains 21:26:20 08/16/03
- What kind of gun should I get? -
DerekPaul "DawgieDawg" Smith 22:37:29 08/13/03
- Problems Shooting -
efx888 15:32:35 08/13/03
- Shocktech roller sear woes(?) -
Gotin_Drachenhart 21:41:05 08/11/03
Travellin_Buda 20:20:02 08/11/03
- gauge -
Mike Roch 17:50:08 08/10/03
- Delrin Bolt -
Kibs 22:34:13 08/08/03
- question about hinge trigger -
Mike Roch 20:55:20 08/07/03
- New Hammers -
SniperD 20:49:47 08/07/03
- How fast can an E-blade shoot? -
Adam_ Michael 21:43:27 08/06/03
- eblade cocker problems wierd -
gregh 02:23:49 08/06/03
- nitroduck autococker -
gesser 20:52:44 08/05/03
- Cocking Rod Loosening -
SniperD 17:44:13 08/05/03
- Q-Loading Cocker???? -
Travellin_Buda 11:23:37 08/05/03
Sinagent 00:08:21 08/05/03
- Is an '03 Vert a good gun? -
Oscar_ 22:26:14 08/04/03
- UltraQuiet Switchable Sniper Mode Actually Works! -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 16:38:13 08/04/03
- Smartparts -
Corey "Geek1246" Post 13:35:17 08/04/03
- Regulator or valve? -
SniperD 11:25:25 08/04/03
- Regulator or valve? -
SniperD 11:25:08 08/04/03
- '03 Vert or Outcast??? -
Oscar_ 03:33:50 08/04/03
- Smart Parts and WARPIG -
Greezypete 23:49:55 08/02/03
- orracle 3-way? -
Big__C_ 22:06:30 08/01/03
- autococker not cocking?? or something else?? -
kin chong 02:56:39 07/31/03
- size of steel braided hose -
the_only_rhino88 18:08:06 07/30/03
- Regs -
Corey "Geek1246" Post 15:22:11 07/29/03
- Re: Regs -
Mijintel 15:35:58 08/28/03
- Re: Regs -
Vampyr 20:28:23 07/30/03
- Re: Regs -
K Keaty 08:41:58 07/30/03
- ok a freak is out what is the best of the rest? -
gregh 23:24:38 07/28/03
- ok im gonna try and explain this -
bunker_boy_2433 21:51:45 07/28/03
- oh and another thing -
bunker_boy_2433 22:13:16 07/27/03
- i need help -
bunker_boy_2433 21:53:21 07/27/03
- Consistancy question for Mr dupont & anyone else -
Mike Roch 15:59:11 07/27/03
- what!!!!!!!!! explain this smart parts thing -
bunker_boy_2433 00:55:27 07/27/03
- hose size ? -
Pittbull 15:33:52 07/25/03
- Front end and LP? -
Gotin_Drachenhart 22:43:35 07/24/03
- Boycott smart parts -
Mike Roch 12:09:29 07/24/03
- external adjuster cap -
Nobie "NoBull " Redmon 10:48:44 07/24/03
- Hoses on the front -
Samurai_Smurf 02:32:12 07/24/03
- back in black -
bunker_boy_2433 20:15:14 07/23/03
- back in black -
bunker_boy_2433 20:12:50 07/23/03
- Smart Parts taking over the paintball industry? -
Hellbore 19:20:07 07/23/03
- AKA Graveyard Cocker -
Brad_ "SCPS" Johnson_ 02:25:41 07/23/03
- Valve System -
Samurai_Smurf 02:17:27 07/23/03
- cockers will rule the earth -
Greezypete 23:12:51 07/22/03
- Year of Armson (Pro-Products) Autococker -
Steve2 21:31:21 07/22/03
- Year of Armson (Pro-Products) Autococker -
Steve2 21:31:08 07/22/03
- Barrel Threads -
Bryan "Quizaboo" Labarga 21:48:25 07/21/03
J P_S 13:50:52 07/20/03
- low pressure and high pressure tanks -
Daniel "The_Crawler" McCarthy 13:26:19 07/20/03
- low pressure and high pressure tanks -
Daniel "The_Crawler" McCarthy 13:26:11 07/20/03
- Awesome lookin cocker -
Nobie "NoBull " Redmon 19:05:02 07/18/03
- Awesome lookin cocker -
Nobie "NoBull " Redmon 19:04:55 07/18/03
- all american paint matching -
Mike Roch 17:18:53 07/17/03
- all american paint matching -
Mike Roch 17:16:13 07/17/03
- where can I get an orracle valve? -
NoBull 18:00:24 07/15/03
- parts for best efficiency -
Nobie "NoBull " Redmon 15:38:09 07/15/03
- how ridiculous can it get? -
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman 15:18:16 07/15/03
- System X -
Big_L 09:44:58 07/15/03
- Weird metal piece -
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman 14:15:43 07/14/03
- dye front end, dont buy -
Norrisbig70 18:53:35 07/13/03
- cocker -
Mad_Dawg 21:54:22 07/12/03
- roller sear on hindge trigger -
Pittbull 20:12:46 07/12/03
- No. Besales -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 08:00:25 07/13/03
- No. Besales -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 08:00:23 07/13/03
- re-annodizing -
Relentless 02:24:08 07/12/03
- Bolts -
PEZ 17:44:35 07/11/03
- what barrel to get? -
Jeremy Brown 01:10:19 07/11/03
- Dye ultralight and paint matching -
gregh 23:03:25 07/10/03
- Hammerhead Barrel -
Poldo 22:19:59 07/10/03
- here i go again with another one (zippy) -
bunker_boy_2433 15:52:33 07/10/03
- Leaking Jackhammer -
mdw282 19:49:14 07/09/03
- my bad guys NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
bunker_boy_2433 18:14:31 07/09/03
- Gun cock after installing new 3 way -
Jeremy Brown 17:21:43 07/09/03
- Bent Freak -
Spray-N-Pray 16:59:10 07/09/03
- whoa!!!!!! not a 32 degrees fan -
bunker_boy_2433 20:48:21 07/08/03
- low pressure chamber -
Mike Roch 20:50:14 07/07/03
- should i make a change -
bunker_boy_2433 18:19:44 07/07/03
- "The Care and Upkeep of Paintballs": -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 17:48:19 07/07/03
- Very strange velocity problems -
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman 12:19:02 07/06/03
- Be there, -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 08:41:47 07/07/03
- questions -
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman 16:39:30 07/07/03
- Autococker Literature/Instructional Materials -
Jeremy Brown 14:13:21 07/05/03
- 3 way bomb install problem -
Jeremy Brown 18:40:10 07/04/03
- don't buy from this store -
Mike Roch 18:27:31 07/03/03
- E-Blade or Race frame -
pb-allstar 23:01:22 07/02/03
- striped threads -
GeO 18:26:52 07/02/03
- Ball detent consistently loose -
Jason "Zippy" Finnie 14:45:20 07/02/03
- eblade autococker on sale deal too good to pass? -
gregh 23:36:37 07/01/03
- an idea for silencing a autococker -
Mike Roch 21:18:41 07/01/03
- really old autococker -
Poldo 11:00:34 07/01/03
- Bone to pick with Warpig -
Corey "Geek1246" Post 10:17:25 07/01/03
- eblade problem -
cchpg29 19:27:26 06/30/03
- Dye or bomb -
Nobie "NoBull " Redmon 18:43:51 06/30/03
- WTB Cocker Barrels.. -
Dan_ "*Doc*" Styles 17:35:47 06/30/03
- Autococker Upgrades -
Adam "TheRed" Read 11:56:32 06/30/03
- autococker range -
Justin2 01:28:16 06/30/03
- Won Autococker on Ebay! yay! What do you think? -
Rossarific 19:55:30 06/28/03
- Tank -
Kyle Wolfe 18:41:25 06/30/03
Nigma 15:44:55 06/27/03
Nigma 15:44:53 06/27/03
- leaking -
Jake Brekke 22:32:00 06/26/03
- trigger length -
NoBull 17:42:31 06/26/03
- Autococker -
Chris "KronJon" Tuinenga 16:43:46 06/25/03
- bolt problems -
Snakes 15:18:49 06/25/03
- upgrades for an 03 autococker... -
metalmylisha 15:04:16 06/25/03
- month old autococker problems -
gregh 22:43:44 06/24/03
- is this true? -
metalmylisha 12:13:32 06/24/03
- recomend an autococker lpr for me -
TsunamiP8phreak 23:46:05 06/23/03
- 15 degree ASA installation -
Sean "CrazyAss" Parizo 11:44:31 06/23/03
- First cocker -
boarderguy41 23:47:47 06/21/03
- Cocker upgrades best of the best -
Kyle "Crazyfinger" Klopf 18:23:02 06/21/03
- E-Class -
welton 10:00:27 06/21/03
- E-Class -
welton 10:00:15 06/21/03
- 03 Cocker Upgrades -
worrlock 17:26:02 06/20/03
- Barrels and Paint -
Marvin_the_Martian 02:08:31 06/19/03
- GX-3 Barrel and Drop -
metalmylisha 14:55:59 06/18/03
- New 03 Cocker owner here, some tips please... -
Rabbit08 00:56:07 06/17/03
- Who want pneumatic hose? -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 08:57:42 06/16/03
- Set screw and hose nipple thread measurements -
Shadow_Cocker 19:10:00 06/15/03
- hinge -
Aaron Mason 18:32:40 06/13/03
- making the bolt bounce back to prevent ball break? -
charlie2k3 22:47:16 06/12/03
- What springs to use with the AKA tornado valve? -
Ras Masyean 17:53:15 06/12/03
- Good Setup? -
metalmylisha 17:09:15 06/12/03
- Front block pneumatics -
baron_thrash 15:39:06 06/12/03
- HPA for Cocker??? -
Pittbull 23:05:12 06/11/03
- eclipse swing trigger prob -
Kyle "Delta_4*" Sullivan 22:08:49 06/11/03
- Twisted Bolt -
Grim_001 14:46:21 06/07/03
- Which marker is better Outkast\Black Magic\GX-3?? -
Bythor 12:24:47 06/06/03
- evil pipe or freak -
Brent Vincent 17:13:28 06/05/03
- best electric hopper? -
Vancouverdds 21:47:36 06/04/03
- Tournaments favorite barrel a DYE? -
Ras Masyean 21:21:17 06/04/03
- Autococker bolt problems! -
Grim_001 00:28:44 06/04/03
- PSI-Regulators -
Kyle "Delta_4*" Sullivan 22:49:58 06/03/03
- tech manuals for autocockers -
Vancouverdds 22:30:15 06/03/03
- cocker triggers -
Collin Schmidt 22:22:04 06/03/03
- Have u seen one of these? -
cockerfreek 22:09:04 06/03/03
- What should I do to my new 03 cocker? -
worrlock 21:16:19 06/03/03
- Maddman Valve -
Delta_4* 15:58:24 06/03/03
- Evo on an orracle -
m98monkey 15:36:56 06/03/03
- 2003 vert cocker -
Pntballr806 19:19:59 06/02/03
- outcast or gx-4 -
CoReY DeVaughn 15:34:57 06/02/03
- Any E-Blade probs out there? -
Shadow_Cocker 10:17:50 06/02/03
- worr or kapp -
tipp33mann 10:05:59 06/01/03
- Racegun Conversion -
Svenovitz Lotavogagan 04:45:39 06/01/03
- freak barrel combinations -
Pm5k 02:32:23 06/01/03
- trigger adjustment -
fworking13 20:24:33 05/31/03
- hammer lug -
Cruton 11:24:44 05/30/03
- ANS GX-E -
Brent Vincent 01:14:28 05/30/03
- ANS GX-E -
Brent Vincent 01:14:26 05/30/03
- Eblade troubles -
GR|M-REPR 22:08:13 05/29/03
chris "ihatethisplace" pearce 20:47:31 05/29/03
- Protect your investment, E-Blade Covers -
vantrepes 14:59:06 05/29/03
- Just purchased autococker -
Andrew "Loki_*UK*" Bollands 10:51:11 05/29/03
- my .02 -
BodyByHostess 11:31:47 05/29/03
- Re: my .02 -
Andrew "Loki_*UK*" Bollands 12:47:30 05/29/03
- the best performance 3-way -
jose flores 07:44:50 05/28/03
- WGP Hinge Trigger adjustment -
Shadow_Cocker 23:10:09 05/27/03
- can u help me -
cockerfreek 21:59:11 05/27/03
- can u help me -
cockerfreek 21:58:54 05/27/03
- Best Cocker 3 Way -
Uncle_Freddy 21:21:43 05/25/03
- E-Ranger bolt -
Moose3021 18:40:09 05/25/03
- 3-way Actuating Rod Adjustment -
baron_thrash 14:07:37 05/24/03
Brett Goldfarb 17:30:15 05/23/03
- total noob question, but seeking help.... -
rodman 14:24:24 05/23/03
- what year and type autococker? -
fworking13 23:56:20 05/22/03
- 2003 wgp Autococker -
zack_ shaffer 19:46:38 05/22/03
- 2003 wgp Autococker -
zack_ shaffer 19:44:07 05/22/03
- 2003 wgp autococker -
zack_ "sure-shot" shaffer 17:30:39 05/22/03
- barrels -
GeO 11:51:53 05/22/03
- Question on condition of a brand new Outkast -
rodman 19:03:51 05/21/03
- Leaking Cocker! -
Uncle_Freddy 08:58:15 05/21/03
- Cleaning a Freak?? -
Zepher 22:28:39 05/20/03
- WGP/customized jewel -
slothypoo 01:20:50 05/20/03
- Lapco breech sizer...or...real barrel -
Ras Masyean 21:13:20 05/19/03
- Will this front reg. work? -
cockerfreek 19:54:17 05/19/03
- fluctuating velocity -
bb7 19:53:37 05/19/03
- Is the Kaner System worth it? -
rodman 00:18:39 05/19/03
- Will i have a problem??? -
Zepher 11:50:21 05/18/03
- Will i have a problem??? -
Zepher 11:50:19 05/18/03
- M16 Style grips -
Kitt "Psycho1" Euler 01:31:14 05/18/03
- new dye hyper inline. -
Snakeboy 00:57:11 05/18/03
- which autococker? -
tipp33mann 20:47:39 05/17/03
- 2001 Custom STO For Sale -
Chris Ingianni 09:21:34 05/17/03
- one last batch of nickel clippard QEVs...... -
the electrician 18:17:17 05/16/03
- Where can i get TIming info _what tank is better -
Zepher 21:25:17 05/14/03
- WHat is easier changing tank to hp or gun to lp -
Zepher 21:15:37 05/14/03
- Orracle E-Class Questions -
aaron "aarontunnell" tunnell 09:51:18 05/14/03
- Doing milling work on my cocker; best source? -
Paul Kitchin 20:21:08 05/13/03
- Worrgas!!! -
Nobie "NoBull " Redmon 17:15:05 05/13/03
ekim3290 13:00:10 05/13/03
- Swing trigger on a 99 Cocker -
Uncle_Freddy 09:10:04 05/13/03
- hinge trigger -
Charley_ Hirsch 21:54:43 05/12/03
- dale i have a question for ya -
TEAMxINFAMOUS 18:32:53 05/12/03
- vertical regulator -
TEAMxINFAMOUS 18:16:29 05/09/03
- I love Air America Tanks and Service -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 09:03:26 05/09/03
TEAMxINFAMOUS 23:05:53 05/08/03
- Stock 2k3 valve vs yr old Rat -
Shadow_Cocker 19:35:32 05/08/03
- Freak barrel not fitting my cocker;common problem? -
Paul Kitchin 02:14:00 05/08/03
- Hey Dale, got a quick Q for you. -
Vampyr 21:29:42 05/07/03
- Black magic cocker or Mini Black Magic cocker? -
Jake Mcgregor 21:26:27 05/07/03
- IR3/E-Orracle -
WarmApplePie 19:05:07 05/06/03
- Best tool to remove a threeway ? -
Protouringcars 05:00:57 05/06/03
- Old Cocker Upgraded to Vertical Feed -
Boglins 23:12:54 05/05/03
- which barrell isbetter -
rodman 21:51:28 05/05/03
- Stock 3-way construction question -
Frosty_ 17:39:09 05/05/03
- bolt upgrade -
bobby "jooch" scirica 16:24:25 05/05/03
- Parts For 99 Cocker -
Ben "Uncle_Freddy" Murray 13:49:25 05/05/03
- Bomb -
Poldo 15:55:51 05/04/03
ekim3290 10:51:03 05/04/03
- Sticky Trigger and Chopping balls -
DLS_Ace 21:58:03 05/03/03
- All American problems -
Mike Roch 20:56:00 05/03/03
- reasonable price -
Justin Messer 09:24:26 05/03/03
- Help with Adjustable Front Reg -
DLS_Ace 00:47:51 05/02/03
- RaceGun out of business? -
Nelson "Nelson" Lue 11:59:17 05/01/03
- Is the Outkast worth it -
rodman 11:54:12 05/01/03
- HI low -
m98monkey 14:41:40 04/30/03
- ANS... -
rust147_7 17:59:21 04/29/03
- Vert or Right feed with E-Blade -
Frisco 16:33:10 04/29/03
- Shock tech super fly bolt install? -
hopperpa 14:29:59 04/29/03
- Question on the 2003 outkast -
rodman 13:22:15 04/28/03
- 2k3 Vert and a Question -
SgtSteve 16:08:04 04/26/03
- Feed Tube Fix -
Supernova 13:24:32 04/26/03
- Hose leak... -
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman 12:03:58 04/25/03
- Will a pre 2K Lug Work On a 03 Body? -
Shadow_Cocker 09:57:13 04/25/03
- Micro Line and Macro Line Whats the Dif? -
Syco78 22:30:31 04/24/03
- What is the best VALUE cocker mod? -
charlie2k3 20:30:06 04/24/03
- just a general q -
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman 17:09:46 04/24/03
- should i get an angel or autococker -
mike martone 16:59:53 04/24/03
- What barrel to buy.?? -
Zepher 15:46:23 04/24/03
- What barrel to buy.?? -
Zepher 15:46:10 04/24/03
- custom milling -
kdub802 12:39:59 04/24/03
- E-Blade vs a new Angel/Matrix/Strange Impy -
Shadow_Cocker 03:35:35 04/24/03
- Want to talk?? -
Patriot_Paintball 21:49:42 04/23/03
Patriot_Paintball 21:45:12 04/23/03
- ??Orr-acle Bolt??? -
Patriot_Paintball 21:30:46 04/23/03
- ball detent placement -
chad "_enter_nickname_here_" Kittelmann 14:46:57 04/22/03
- New Autocockers -
Jay Moo 14:35:54 04/22/03
- How to upgrade my cocker?? -
Patriot_Paintball 20:57:20 04/21/03
- which way do you time the cocker? -
bobby "jooch" scirica 18:53:35 04/21/03
- Looking to trade my VSC for a Autococker -
Dan_ "*Doc*" Styles 15:59:40 04/21/03
- C02/HPA variances -
Wonderkid 13:31:07 04/20/03
- Front Pneumatics Installation -
Mtbegg 12:56:31 04/20/03
- Will Co2 Ruin my gun -
Zepher 01:42:58 04/20/03
- What Is a 3 -way?????? -
Zepher 01:22:06 04/20/03
- Looking to Buy a Cocker--Call me new if you want.. -
SgtSteve 21:07:36 04/19/03
- Front Tickler Regulator: What does it do? -
Mtbegg 12:59:17 04/19/03
- How to make a custom autococker? -
Proboy24 10:50:46 04/19/03
- advice on buying an autococker -
Eldogg 01:22:51 04/19/03
- adding a gauge to check operating presure -
slaker 15:31:03 04/17/03
- Head Hunter is/is NOT full of BS... ? -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 14:53:31 04/17/03
- boomstick -
GeO 12:44:18 04/17/03
- reg -
Mike Roch 22:49:17 04/16/03
- Re: reg -
BodyByHostess 09:26:05 04/17/03
- Super Fast Electric Autococker -
u2766 19:46:37 04/16/03
- Autococker is misfiring -
harold_ willett 22:25:45 04/15/03
- repair -
OJeda "MasterBlaster52" Armin 21:13:02 04/15/03
- good valve -
Danman 19:21:30 04/15/03
- 98 STO S/N question -
Jim Bob 20:56:24 04/14/03
- Broken ram. -
m98monkey 12:06:58 04/13/03
- What to upgrade first.... -
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman 16:58:13 04/11/03
- Hydrotest -
Aaron Mason 00:54:21 04/11/03
- 98 cocker questions -
Barn 16:10:17 04/10/03
- Is low pressure any good -
the_only_rhino88 22:51:39 04/09/03
- Hammer time! -
DogToggler 22:12:40 04/09/03
- Black Magic Safety -
Wayne Ferguson 20:13:45 04/09/03
- Autococker Air System -
Marc Laatu 21:29:13 04/08/03
- Orracle help -
diginerd 02:03:16 04/08/03
- The inevitable Question: Uh oh. -
Justin "Snow_God" Allen 21:01:47 04/07/03
- Barrel Systems -
PEZ 16:02:28 04/07/03
- brand new mini black magic chopping balls -
d "dry" young 21:30:30 04/06/03
- Orracle 3-way help -
Dpc56 11:57:33 04/06/03
- Cocker questions -
Chad Myers 23:12:27 04/05/03
- parts -
RaZoR 20:38:21 04/05/03
- well -
Relentless 04:04:49 04/06/03
- sweetspot -
Aaron_M 15:29:57 04/05/03
- Kaner or Freak -
Wonderkid 13:17:00 04/05/03
- Just a reminder -
Cruton 09:35:01 04/05/03
- Vertical Feed -
RazIII 13:24:07 04/03/03
- anti-siphon -
RaZoR 19:58:32 04/02/03
- e blade -
AMISH_MAFIA 17:51:37 04/02/03
- 03'Limited Edition Mini Black Magic -
Ksuchi 21:44:38 04/01/03
- Leaking problem? -
Hornswoggler 23:56:31 03/31/03
- Is the Katana Adjustable Bore Barrel any good? -
Syco78 23:25:27 03/31/03
- Parts -
AMISH_MAFIA 20:12:39 03/31/03
- Best Front Block Kit -
AMISH_MAFIA 19:54:37 03/30/03
- macro or micro -
POTTS 15:32:49 03/30/03
- Thinking about getting a 2003 cocker, Should I??? -
Delta_Force 10:44:00 03/30/03
- what's your equation? -
Cruton 17:25:10 03/29/03
- Shocktech Superfly -
SniperD 16:31:03 03/29/03
- ultimatemadness -
RaZoR 10:51:21 03/27/03
- Sandridge TF5 Cocker or a E-blade Cocker? -
Syco78 00:20:35 03/27/03
- KAPP Reflex Trigger Frame -
Zac Haynes 00:03:08 03/26/03
- How in the world.... -
Rltcmatt 20:45:19 03/25/03
- Change of plans -
m98monkey 19:52:22 03/25/03
- best upgrades -
AMISH_MAFIA 19:09:04 03/25/03
- new to autococker,s -
RaZoR 20:46:37 03/24/03
- co2 in cocker -
paint_demond 20:11:43 03/24/03
- hinge setup difficulties, please help -
bobby "jooch" scirica 19:29:16 03/24/03
- My cocker needs help -
James_ Bianco 17:42:32 03/24/03
- try -
DaveA 00:21:14 03/25/03
- Re: try -
James_ Bianco 06:52:40 03/25/03
- definitely -
DaveA 23:40:27 03/26/03
- Re: try -
Greezypete 22:51:40 03/25/03
- Re: try -
Greezypete 22:56:18 03/25/03
- orracle 3-way -
brolo 00:07:37 03/23/03
- Orracle Drop Forward -
diginerd 19:29:27 03/22/03
- Orracle Trigger Pull -
Wonderkid 19:41:29 03/21/03
- Orracle or CT 3-way -
SniperD 18:51:11 03/21/03
- System x confusion Need HELP!!!!! -
Dpc56 15:01:11 03/21/03
- System x confusion Need HELP!!!!! -
Dpc56 15:00:43 03/21/03
- Front reg -
POS 01:12:04 03/21/03
- Whats the best 3-way? -
SniperD 19:23:03 03/20/03
- eblade how to -
rocky123 17:49:10 03/20/03
DaveA 22:11:48 03/19/03
- Autococker best upgrades -
POS 13:33:30 03/19/03
- short stroking -
Hadji25 23:53:12 03/18/03
- Slotted Vertical ASAs & Timing Rods -
esperto96 13:20:06 03/18/03
- Cocker trigger spring -
paintballinpimp8 13:05:11 03/17/03
- Cocker trigger spring -
paintballinpimp8 13:02:27 03/17/03
- problems -
Hadji25 23:13:26 03/16/03
- Semi to pump conversions!?! -
Duda1 16:39:00 03/16/03
- Autococker '01 (?) -
Dean "Deaner" Iversen 15:53:58 03/14/03
- Super rare auto response trigger cocker -
John_(Cocker_Owners_Group_#82) 16:17:53 03/12/03
- timing question -
Jon Frank 12:34:56 03/12/03
- ball detente -
brolo 00:01:38 03/12/03
- Cheap 99 Tricked Cocker w/ Nitro -
Nicholas Stokes 22:31:12 03/10/03
- What should I Upgrade -
Snakes 00:24:16 03/10/03
- Tickler or Mini Rock -
Aaron Mason 19:15:51 03/09/03
- Inline reg. too high pressure -
singleshot 18:06:37 03/09/03
- ram -
ryan "carrot_top" blaschik 14:57:47 03/09/03
- Re: ram -
arturo garcia 15:11:37 03/09/03
- eclipse cocker with e-blade -
ZuGG_ZuGG 14:42:50 03/09/03
- pending autotocker -
brolo 11:52:36 03/09/03
- 99 cocker -
Hadji25 05:36:28 03/08/03
- Anyone seen the Geforce Dual Reg Front blocks...? -
Shadow_Cocker 03:41:40 03/08/03
- Hammer and Valve Springs -
Devon "Devman" Bain 00:36:26 03/08/03
- Tips for new Autococker--Orracle owner -
Wonderkid 23:23:38 03/07/03
- Autococker Swing/Hinge trigger frames -
PEZ 21:18:39 03/06/03
- Low Pressure vs. High Pressure? Free Flow? -
diginerd 17:54:31 03/05/03
- Retime if I change my trigger pull. -
Nelson "Nelson" Lue 12:12:01 03/05/03
- Need Advice - Autococker purchase! -
diginerd 13:52:27 03/04/03
- New E-Orracle - Timing the e-blade? -
eog 23:06:23 03/03/03
- How do I become a airsmith? -
Brad Kingsley 22:06:07 03/03/03
- E-Blade -
Aaron Mason 01:47:32 03/03/03
- backblock travel distance -
Kyle McWilliam 22:09:44 03/02/03
- Can anyone help me please? -
TheBryGuy 17:33:30 03/01/03
- Custom Cocker -
Grim_001 15:30:01 03/01/03
- Operating Pressure -
paintballer86 23:38:02 02/28/03
- Regulator Part ????? -
Justin Messer 12:20:09 02/28/03
- Autococker measurements -
HelloHello 22:53:11 02/27/03
- Rock Regulator Snapped -
Justin Messer 12:43:55 02/27/03
- how to make low pressure -
paintballer86 12:25:06 02/27/03
- Hinge Dilemma -
Devon "Devman" Bain 11:30:48 02/27/03
- Ball detent -
paintballer86 09:38:39 02/27/03
- suggestions on stock reg disassembly -
Poldo 09:00:03 02/27/03
- bolt orings and loaders -
Cruton 20:17:35 02/26/03
- First Autococker -
Crazy_Eyes 22:43:40 02/25/03
- Autococker Barrel length question -
Dave Klucar 11:19:18 02/25/03
- autococker e-blade -
HellRazer 04:13:48 02/25/03
- autococker e-blade -
HellRazer 04:03:20 02/25/03
- auto 2000 questions. -
low_n_slow 02:30:55 02/25/03
- What should I buy '03 Autococker or ANS Gen-X 3? -
ThatDecoy 22:40:49 02/24/03
- Everyone says theirs is the best,but why? -
Raging_Pain 03:24:06 02/24/03
- Cocking rod to tight -
Skunker 05:17:26 02/23/03
- Black magic reg on Orracle -
Team_FlashPoint 20:17:06 02/22/03
- changing my mind about operating PSI -
DaveA 15:59:08 02/22/03
- 98 cocker, Bargain? -
Beest 11:21:23 02/22/03
- e-blade -
Dr.Death 03:48:15 02/22/03
- Regulator question.... -
Shadow_Cocker 21:47:42 02/20/03
- solenoid (i know its not the right forum) -
ghetto_red 20:39:41 02/20/03
- Hinges AHHHHHH -
Poldo 08:45:03 02/20/03
- hmmm -
DaveA 15:50:49 02/22/03
- upgrading to free flow -
kerry jimenez 21:52:53 02/19/03
- Future of the autococker -
fyrwulf 13:19:47 02/19/03
- Valve tool -
Adam_ "Pskov91" Marthaler 12:27:46 02/19/03
- Pressure settings? -
Devon "Devman" Bain 11:17:54 02/19/03
- *OT*Star trek Philosophy Or Reg Philosophy?*OT* -
Micah Michalski 02:18:06 02/19/03
- take both -
Dave "DaveA" A 04:44:53 02/19/03
- hpa pressure??? -
joey "papajoe" ecklund 21:31:01 02/17/03
- hpa pressure??? -
joey "papajoe" ecklund 21:30:48 02/17/03
- blueprints -
danthman 14:45:17 02/17/03
- Triple feeding! -
Chris "bboy" Bellah 10:18:28 02/17/03
- 3-way won't stop leaking -
singleshot 21:01:26 02/16/03
- electronic -
danthman 17:03:55 02/16/03
- can you use a cocker in the snow? -
paintballer86 14:54:16 02/15/03
- Will a 750 preset work with an 03 cocker? -
Drew Kraft 20:19:21 02/14/03
- how do i install my free hinge? -
bobby "jooch" scirica 20:18:51 02/14/03
- Velocity Probs? -
Shadow_Cocker 23:58:14 02/13/03
- Extra Parts? -
Devon "Devman" Bain 17:20:23 02/12/03
- what is the difference -
colin "paintballkid13" snyder 21:58:26 02/11/03
- A few Questions about my COCKER plz help! -
Joe Bonanno 19:35:59 02/11/03
- Rocket Valve -
Angry_Hippie 13:42:37 02/11/03
- Stock or Aftermarket??? Who Knows??? -
Poldo 09:06:59 02/11/03
- i am sorry -
colin "paintballkid13" snyder 22:23:46 02/10/03
- Evil front end -
Devon "Devman" Bain 18:50:35 02/09/03
- Timing Question... -
A Ouellette 18:47:19 02/09/03
- Still Baffeled. My theory was.... -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 12:06:54 02/09/03
- Still Baffeled. My theory was.... -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 12:06:35 02/09/03
- spyder 4 sale -
mr.sdavis 18:23:34 02/08/03
- fast cash -
colin "paintballkid13" snyder 21:46:32 02/07/03
- Screw for grip -
Mtbegg 01:32:47 02/07/03
- Will I screw anything up if I change my gripframe? -
MikeTnA27 22:43:13 02/06/03
- Will I screw anything up if I change my gripframe? -
MikeTnA27 22:43:01 02/06/03
- Will I screw anything up if I change my gripframe? -
MikeTnA27 22:40:34 02/06/03
- eblade -
Aaron Mason 20:51:41 02/06/03
- cocker sell -
dont_want_a_name 19:50:31 02/06/03
- cocker sell -
dont_want_a_name 19:49:53 02/06/03
- cam adjuster -
Poldo 09:13:00 02/06/03
- Front block -
Aaron Mason 22:53:31 02/05/03
- Bolt and pressure -
Aaron Mason 19:01:03 02/03/03
- Your turn to help me. I'm baffeled... -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 21:43:56 02/02/03
- trade -
Wowkas 20:35:24 02/01/03
- sto autococker -
vern "verni" fetzer 02:50:52 01/31/03
- Gas Hog -
Benji3 21:41:37 01/30/03
- Black magic or ....Busmaster -
Whoop 19:44:01 01/29/03
- Tech Writers Wanted -
PB2X 08:58:03 01/29/03
- what barrel should i get -
paul "Man_Animal" fung 14:21:24 01/28/03
- valve spring -
CodeJockey 12:27:29 01/28/03
- What should I buy for an 03 cocker.? -
Drew Kraft 21:17:40 01/27/03
- Timing my cocker -
Andrew Carr 21:13:31 01/27/03
- Mabye timing? -
Benji3 18:46:42 01/27/03
- Help with my cocker -
taco_shack 18:19:51 01/27/03
- trade for an angel -
ghetto_red 15:51:56 01/26/03
- Ergos... -
Relentless 13:51:33 01/26/03
- Hammers and Electro's -
Relentless 20:43:04 01/25/03
- autococker barrel?? -
Frankie OQuinn 18:44:11 01/25/03
- custom paint autococker -
Aaron "irishnightmare" Ebersole 10:28:09 01/25/03
- Why don't valve seats wear out? -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 09:28:08 01/25/03
- They Do -
Poldo 12:43:55 01/25/03
- STO -
Zach "Lowlier" Poulin 20:28:13 01/24/03
- STO -
Relentless 21:16:06 01/25/03
- Re: STO -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 09:21:06 01/25/03
- Air America Vigilante -
Carthage 13:47:39 01/24/03
- WGP 3-way ???(several) -
tamu 10:28:24 01/24/03
- Barrels Lengths & Inline Regs? -
PEZ 18:57:49 01/22/03
- Autococker Tricked out How ? -
The_Tenken 23:31:58 01/21/03
- autococker help! -
Man_Animal 21:45:14 01/21/03
- autococker help! -
Man_Animal 21:45:06 01/21/03
- Will a Rock Knob fit on a Twister Kit? -
X 12:24:00 01/21/03
- 3 way leak -
paintballer86 16:37:59 01/20/03
- Ram leak question -
foolybear 16:30:45 01/20/03
- Stock LPR question -
Poldo 10:43:57 01/20/03
- Question Regarding the HALO B -
goblin242 22:55:13 01/19/03
- sniper3 to semi -
brenden mcbain 20:57:41 01/19/03
- Response trigger -
AMISH_MAFIA 20:47:03 01/19/03
- Autococker Infosheet -
Poldo 17:49:53 01/19/03
- 'Cocker Weight -
Devman 15:17:05 01/19/03
- solenoid -
ghetto_red 14:07:27 01/19/03
- leaky system X -
Cruton 14:23:02 01/18/03
- cold weather problems -
SPOOK 13:55:29 01/18/03
- 0-300 psi Mini-Guage... -
X 08:36:02 01/18/03
- Sure.... -
AIR-Powered.com 09:09:01 01/19/03
- Re-Annodization -
DigglerD 16:49:07 01/16/03
- take apart sledgehammer -
ghetto_red 11:36:00 01/16/03
- upgraded STO: stock parts for sell -
john stephens 22:54:15 01/15/03
- SS Braided Hose... need a very short one!!! -
X 22:19:11 01/15/03
- building an e trigger -
ghetto_red 15:35:09 01/15/03
- Babied Cocker Must Sell -
lazeeboy87 10:44:18 01/15/03
- Silence -
TanMan21 10:29:56 01/15/03
- Re: Zilence -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 16:44:12 01/15/03
- Polishing a barrel after porting... what to use? -
X 08:09:37 01/15/03
- 03 vertical cocker VS. Black magic cocker -
rocky123 16:19:47 01/14/03
- Orracle HELP -
apcaz8 23:40:28 01/13/03
- low presure cocker -
AMISH_MAFIA 21:35:59 01/13/03
- Velocity Too High . . . -
Drew_M 19:53:18 01/12/03
- Leaking 3-way -
Norm "womp" Laurianno 13:59:28 01/12/03
- A/C Reg Suggestions -
Shadow_Cocker 02:09:13 01/12/03
- Turning an Autococker into a pump..... -
goblin242 00:32:34 01/12/03
- AKA Merlin Autococker for sale! -
SerpentSaint 13:07:13 01/11/03
- Swing trigger frame -
Spydermag 00:02:12 01/11/03
- custom autococker -
d-rock 16:12:37 01/10/03
- 03 efficiency -
Poldo 15:46:21 01/10/03
- Eclipse E-Blades... -
Relentless 21:46:22 01/08/03
- Air compressor? -
VRE 17:20:12 01/07/03
- Stock Cocker Reg -
Pat Mulligan 02:23:51 01/07/03
- Best barrel systm -
AMISH_MAFIA 17:53:22 01/06/03
- System X Question -
SSniper13 00:21:00 01/06/03
- Air-efficient cocker -
Scrumpy1848 18:03:57 01/05/03
- 90* elbow ->remote<-90* elbow... possible? -
X 03:59:26 01/04/03
- anti chop bolt -
vipermaiden 01:52:58 01/04/03
- Black Magic Cocker Question -
VRE 11:05:15 01/03/03
- lp barrel and lp cocking questions -
Jon Frank 06:08:57 01/03/03
- types? -
dj "The-Cleaner" hamilton 23:42:41 01/01/03
- New Product: Link Feed -
vantrepes 18:57:43 01/01/03
- cleaning my cocker -
sammy_b 13:13:17 01/01/03
- hinge question -
sammy_b 12:58:02 01/01/03
- Co2 and 'Cocker Don't Mix? -
VRE 17:36:41 12/31/02
- back block wont go forward -
rick "Tricky_Ricky" applegarth 05:03:51 12/31/02
- Shocktech front end -
vivalamexico 02:41:02 12/31/02
- "Advanced" timing question -
^Psycho^Skillz^ 08:11:22 12/30/02
- tequilla sunrise cocker? -
dj "The-Cleaner" hamilton 23:44:49 12/29/02
- Autococker = gas hog -
Chris "bboy" Bellah 17:02:31 12/29/02
- Works cocker question -
Insalubrious 16:28:04 12/29/02
- wierd -
DaveA 06:50:24 01/01/03
- cant get velocity up.... HELP!!! -
Frankie OQuinn 12:01:30 12/29/02
- Completely Custom Cocker -
Darby_Crash 02:14:47 12/29/02
- KAPP 3-way leak -
Chris Bellah 12:36:22 12/27/02
- Silencing an Autococker -
DLS_Ace 08:57:39 12/27/02
- Help with leaking 3-way ????? -
Frankie OQuinn 21:17:12 12/26/02
- 850 psi input hindering reg performance??? -
Ni!!! 19:01:54 12/26/02
- whats a good drop for an '03 cocker? -
paintballer86 11:44:41 12/26/02
- free flow 3-way -
IGottaCocker 23:34:09 12/25/02
- free flow 3-way -
IGottaCocker 23:33:37 12/25/02
- free flow 3-way -
IGottaCocker 23:32:50 12/25/02
- Just got my first 'Cocker... -
Raging_Pain 01:54:14 12/25/02
- Just got my first 'Cocker... -
Raging_Pain 01:52:56 12/25/02
- sorry -
Grant Crawford 15:07:55 12/24/02
- pump rod -
Grant Crawford 15:03:07 12/24/02
- pump rod -
Grant Crawford 15:02:25 12/24/02
- pump rod -
Grant Crawford 15:02:04 12/24/02
- Lapco Barrel Adapter -
Justin Houston2 00:43:09 12/24/02
- Gas Hog? -
Autococker_7 17:02:48 12/22/02
- e-blade eye -
Poldo 10:53:15 12/22/02
- more efficient -
Poldo 10:51:37 12/22/02
- Cocker Body -
Poldo 09:36:25 12/20/02
- Threats for Evo Pull pin Plunger? -
Seitenschneider 05:40:27 12/20/02
HOUSE 00:15:41 12/20/02
- what is a regulator do?????? -
RAZZ 21:02:14 12/19/02
dj "The-Cleaner" hamilton 18:27:11 12/19/02
- quick barrel question -
Jon Frank 18:09:02 12/19/02
- Maddman Rocket valve question -
BodyByHostess 11:47:31 12/19/02
- Cocker Operating Pressure -
Nate "CoastalSuperman" Braden 11:40:52 12/19/02
- Cocker Bodies -
Poldo 10:16:18 12/19/02
- 03 or 02 -
N3rd 19:11:43 12/18/02
- ANS cocker -
Hostile_Intent 18:51:03 12/18/02
- Cocker Valve Prefs.. -
Shadow_Cocker 23:54:24 12/17/02
- John @ Cockers Owner Group # 82 -
Jim Bob 23:29:45 12/17/02
- Pro Connect question -
BodyByHostess 11:08:43 12/17/02
- what is a roller sear?????????? -
RAZZ 17:16:41 12/15/02
- is there a difference?????????????????? -
RAZZ 17:00:14 12/15/02
- RaceGun Grip -
DigglerD 14:21:47 12/15/02
- new cocker owner -
Dave Russell 13:27:52 12/15/02
- A/C Valve tool -
Shadow_Cocker 00:00:57 12/15/02
- new front end????????????????? -
RAZZ 20:31:14 12/14/02
- A/C age... some help please -
Shadow_Cocker 22:52:43 12/13/02
- DYE Reflex cocker 2003 -
MasterChief 12:44:17 12/13/02
- Timing woes... -
Sixpack440 01:18:40 12/13/02
- New style Shocktec swing frame ???? -
Pittbull 23:16:20 12/12/02
- should i get a drop forward?????????????? -
RAZZ 19:22:25 12/12/02
- Outkast psi -
Tom "twotone68" Herridge 19:12:31 12/11/02
- how to change dang velocity -
mr.sdavis 23:21:21 12/10/02
- what kind of barrel????????? -
RAZZ 20:13:54 12/10/02
- E-Blade!!!!! -
Poldo 10:22:29 12/10/02
- trigger sticking -
Pat Mulligan 00:49:52 12/10/02
- Rocket Dwell Gap -
sKiTzO 16:42:49 12/09/02
- Hammer Lug -
Poldo 10:54:23 12/08/02
- RE:autocker upgrades -
jop 20:48:57 12/07/02
- wire nubin -
quad 15:33:22 12/06/02
- I could use some help... -
elvisbot 04:23:21 12/06/02
- Upgrade compatibility? -
Ryan Kelly 02:56:37 12/06/02
- Minicocker parts -
Poldo 19:52:30 12/05/02
- velocity fluctuations... -
Ni!!! 17:17:02 12/05/02
- 2003 Bonebrake Pro Series Autococker -
joeymdz 13:29:08 12/05/02
- Stock Valve Flow -
sKiTzO 12:14:50 12/05/02
- F-5 cocking problem -
Mac Attack 11:27:23 12/05/02
- Comparing the Free Flow and the Revenge V2 -
elvisbot 06:31:35 12/05/02
- Would like some suggestions... -
Angry_Hippie 11:39:28 12/04/02
- anyone want to buy a stock reg? -
Ni!!! 18:08:43 12/03/02
- What Ram do you like? -
BodyByHostess 10:49:59 12/03/02
- sweetspotting -
Wowkas 21:10:22 12/02/02
- Springs and things -
Poldo 19:42:18 12/02/02
- low pressure cocker questions.............. -
violent_j 22:43:23 12/01/02
- How short can we get the Bomb 3-way stroke? -
Ras Masyean 20:04:43 12/01/02
- Silenceing cocker -
Mike Roch 15:23:47 12/01/02
- Does Anyone Know? -
Poldo 13:40:42 12/01/02
- Does Anyone Know? -
Poldo 13:40:29 12/01/02
- Does the shocktech BOMB 3-way need hats? -
Ras Masyean 18:41:48 11/29/02
- Swing frames -
Pittbull 12:17:37 11/29/02
- Worrgames 2003 Autococker with bottom line -
Predator01 08:20:13 11/29/02
- Does the RAT valve need a longer valve spring? -
Ras Masyean 04:08:03 11/29/02
- Silence! -
Predator01 23:45:03 11/28/02
- WGP cocker 2003 -
Predator01 23:15:11 11/28/02
- How many different valves springs sizes are there? -
Ras Masyean 21:32:04 11/28/02
- Tophats -
Carthage 20:40:37 11/28/02
- Dye boomstick vs. Total freak set? -
Predator01 20:12:44 11/28/02
- velocity -
Matt "Mr._Smalls" Cope 21:58:44 11/27/02
- details -
DaveA 23:59:13 11/29/02
- Happy Thanksgiving to all! -
RTR 17:47:11 11/27/02
- Need a Bottom Line for BM--- Help -
Wesley_Charles "Wesrules" Anderson 15:12:13 11/27/02
- please help again razorpb or m98 monkey -
robert "tape_runnur" scirica 11:46:18 11/27/02
- E-Blade -
Poldo 21:20:19 11/26/02
- About ... -
Micah Michalski 00:10:57 11/27/02
- angel----->autococker -
cappa 20:30:55 11/26/02
- 2002 and 2003 Vert Feed Cocker Differences/Changes -
Nephilim 01:15:43 11/26/02
- 98 hammer lug -
Angry_Hippie 22:16:03 11/25/02
- A/C Valve removal -
Shadow_Cocker 21:50:18 11/25/02
- low pressure cocker questions... -
violent_j 13:00:32 11/25/02
- Loose Hopper -
RazIII 12:46:54 11/25/02
- Ball Fireing Position? -
RazIII 12:44:59 11/25/02
- Cocking Rod Question -
RazIII 12:43:25 11/25/02
- Best Paint for Stock 2003 Autococker -
Dragon_Reef 07:58:14 11/25/02
- 98 Cocker Upgrades -
WaveSporter 17:30:55 11/24/02
- how many shots? -
paintballer86 11:45:34 11/24/02
CHARLIE 23:19:49 11/23/02
- Trigger Sticking -
Benji3 16:43:36 11/23/02
- Just a thanks to whole bunch of folk. -
Spray-N-Pray 14:59:31 11/23/02
- Pressure question (vamp, Vantrep, etc read) -
Micah Michalski 05:03:23 11/23/02
- What tank should i get? -
Predator Predator 01:58:48 11/23/02
- Front Pneumatics Kits -
A "Lightning22" W 20:15:14 11/22/02
- Orracle valve vs. stock cocker valve -
Razorpb 13:08:32 11/22/02
Sinagent 00:00:55 11/22/02
spyder_man1 17:30:43 11/21/02
- Free Flow Cocker -
Nelson "Nelson" Lue 13:18:47 11/20/02
- Timing/trigger troubles... -
Sixpack440 03:33:40 11/20/02
- autococker-m98monkey or razorpb please help again -
robert "tape_runnur" scirica 15:25:39 11/19/02
- autococker-m98monkey or razorpb please help again -
robert "tape_runnur" scirica 15:23:30 11/19/02
- My trigger -
Benji3 13:48:46 11/19/02
- Operating Pressure Around 100 -
Tim "tmorford" Morford 12:36:09 11/19/02
- FREAK: does length matter? -
elamenopee 03:43:36 11/19/02
- What Next??? -
CaptainClegg 21:42:00 11/18/02
- Ok, heres the deal..... -
paintballer86 20:48:51 11/18/02
- is this hype or fact? What do you guys think? -
Micah Michalski 19:51:11 11/18/02
- Freak Kit for cocker -
Matthew "wvhardcore" Kwaniewski 18:52:05 11/18/02
- What's lighter than ... -
Micah Michalski 15:20:57 11/18/02
- AKA Sidewinder Regs -
Ni!!! 15:10:35 11/17/02
- autococker -
robert "tape_runnur" scirica 14:04:42 11/17/02
- Might wanna change the ads -
Benji3 00:29:49 11/17/02
- Autococker Bodies -
Shadow_Cocker 00:55:40 11/16/02
- SFL Autococker vs any other cocker -
Nelson "Nelson" Lue 12:14:24 11/15/02
- Gun or Tank probs. -
Benji3 09:14:45 11/15/02
- AKA Tornado valve -
wvhardcore 07:45:17 11/15/02
- Fog!Fog!Fog! -
sKiTzO 02:03:51 11/15/02
- A/C Air Problems -
Shadow_Cocker 22:34:45 11/14/02
- Try this -
vantrepes 13:35:56 11/15/02
- Valve/Main Springs, which ones? -
Relentless 17:11:25 11/14/02
- Differences: 2003 VS 2002 Black Magics -
Wesley_Charles "Wesrules" Anderson 14:14:23 11/14/02
- New Autococker set-up questions -
Jason "Zippy" Finnie 13:21:27 11/14/02
- Where to send Autococker for upgrades? -
leej54 22:42:36 11/13/02
- trigger rod probs -
Jacen99 19:14:50 11/12/02
- how much maintenance is a cocker? -
paintballer86 17:14:08 11/12/02
- High or Low pressure? -
HitMe 09:39:53 11/12/02
- front blocks -
willis saltsman 23:53:51 11/11/02
- First Cocker upgrade ? -
Pittbull 21:37:13 11/11/02
- Ram Preferences -
Shadow_Cocker 21:11:12 11/11/02
- Hinge trigger frame -
mopar_freak 21:06:09 11/11/02
- gas leak in front block ? -
Jacen99 19:45:52 11/11/02
- New Cocker owner -
Frankie OQuinn 16:58:08 11/11/02
- Front Blocks -
hipboyscott 15:07:25 11/11/02
- lug for e-blade -
Poldo 08:47:22 11/11/02
- You must be snipers.. -
Neil "Ogre-311" Cabe 10:44:57 11/10/02
- Black Magic Regulator Help -
Shutterman75 03:09:21 11/10/02
- '99 Autococker problems :-( -
HobbesMRH 12:03:55 11/09/02
- Firestorm Electro upgrade -
Steve "B-Ski" Biedrzycki 00:43:05 11/09/02
- You've more then likey allready talked about it. -
Neil "Ogre-311" Cabe 08:14:13 11/08/02
- Velocity Problems -
Christopher Hann 22:56:52 11/07/02
- Need Help Switching 3 Way Hoses -
Ben "Pockets_2k2" Hill 22:00:13 11/07/02
- Rain!! -
sKiTzO 19:36:17 11/07/02
- Autococker -
Neil "Capone" B 18:11:05 11/06/02
- What happened to ... -
Micah Michalski 14:48:59 11/06/02
- Vantrepes, RE: Ergo -
Vampyr 22:58:06 11/05/02
- racegun vs f-5 -
Poldo 21:44:22 11/05/02
- ANS Quick Pull Bolt -
BONEYBILL 00:31:55 11/05/02
- Vantrepes or Vampyr -
Sinagent 22:59:22 11/04/02
- Some help would help -
Poldo 20:44:04 11/04/02
- hammer weight -
Nick "vettdog" Vetter 16:48:29 11/03/02
- ram rod -
IGottaCocker 13:11:38 11/03/02
- ram rod -
IGottaCocker 13:09:48 11/03/02
- ram rod -
IGottaCocker 13:09:10 11/03/02
- Front blocks -
Benji3 13:05:03 11/03/02
- Dye Cocker vs Ultralite? -
DFA 16:00:48 11/02/02
- ANS Quick Pull Bolt -
BONEYBILL 12:29:36 11/02/02
- Freak Insert? -
Bill Scully 12:01:30 11/02/02
- Autococker Pneumatics + trigger frames? -
Bill Scully 11:35:49 11/02/02
- Old-School Grip Frame -
T Kanous 01:27:08 11/02/02
- Not really a cocker question, but anyways.... -
Benji3 23:29:43 11/01/02
- URGENT!!!!! -
Poldo 19:41:55 11/01/02
- delrin bolts -
Poldo 08:40:11 11/01/02
- 2002 Vertibrate autococker, is it any good? -
zinny 20:44:56 10/31/02
- Shroud -
Vampyr 21:53:54 10/31/02
- Vantrepes -
Vampyr 00:32:21 10/31/02
- e-ranger -
petiepetie 22:29:03 10/30/02
- Chopping and shortstroking... -
Sixpack440 20:26:41 10/30/02
- hammer question, -
Ghetto_69_ 10:12:42 10/30/02
- System X 3 way -
Jason_ Steuer 01:04:51 10/30/02
- upgrades -
Elros121 21:17:54 10/29/02
- Autococker difference -
Elros121 21:28:36 10/28/02
- Question about WGP Autococker -
zinny 09:02:54 10/28/02
- low press. cycling question -
elamenopee 19:42:16 10/27/02
- one quick timing question -
Poldo 19:41:20 10/27/02
- Bolt Question -
RazIII 11:21:28 10/25/02
- Black Magic Autococker - Pressure Questions -
RazIII 11:14:48 10/25/02
- Dye Cocker 4 Sale-HARDLY USED!!! -
Michael "King-of-paintball" Heiser 23:11:23 10/24/02
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