Re: What's lighter than ...
In Reply to: What's lighter than ... posted by Micah Michalski on November 18, 2002 at 15:20:57:
Posted by: Vampyr on November 18, 2002 at 19:39:40
A Nelson Yellow? You could turn the cap in a hair on the Rocket. : A Maddman Green main spring? I have the heavier spring spring in on my rocket valve, and the green maddman main spring in, and when I tried to sweetspot my reg yesterday, it was shooting at about 420fps at the sweetspot. I didn't want to clip my Green spring, so I turned down the pressure until it was shooting at 296(+/- about 2, some times as much as 5)I had the adjuster all the way out and I don't have any kind of a guage on my 'gun for pressure (I don't really care how low I can go or anything) : So someone with a little more experience help me out? I adjusted teh dwell as per LPCD's specifications but I didnt file down the exposed shaft incase I needed to change something later. : Thanks. : -Micah
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