Re: pending autotocker
In Reply to: Re: pending autotocker posted by Devon on March 09, 2003 at 12:39:18:
Posted by: Hons on March 09, 2003 at 14:37:33
: I ran a 2002 autococker for quite a while and loved it, even right out of the box. Sure, it isn't a supercocker and yes, it will chop balls if not properly timed, but EVERY autococker will chop if not properly timed and maintained. If you are really worried about it, though, why not just buy a body and build a cocker from scratch IE buy the individual parts to make a great cocker. How much are you planning on spending all told on this little venture of yours? It makes a difference. hmmmm where to begin... it will chop balls if not properly timed, true but the if his friends cocker was right out of the box it wasn't timing that was his problem... All autocockers from the factory are timed PERFECTLY (with few exceptions), i think i'd know i work in a store and we sell lots of them and only once in a blue moon does one need to be tweeked. |
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