Re: oh and another thing
In Reply to: oh and another thing posted by bunker_boy_2433 on July 27, 2003 at 22:13:16:
Posted by: gregh on July 27, 2003 at 23:01:53
I am an old guy probaly older than most(though I do know on warpig I am not the oldest by far and I play against players at the local "outlaw field" and at sanctioned fields where there are many in my age range and older. I also say to the young guns do you want to give paintball up when you get older?? I know some will but as this is a new sport it will get older players as it matures and those that got into paintball at the beginning are close to 30 if not in their mid 30s(my age). Here is my email sent to bunkerboy(I might be an "old guy" but he still followed the advice :) )....................................................My emmail-----> am giving you the benefit of the doubt here. The post that set you off was basically an opinion about 32 degree barrels. This was not a slam against you but just a suggestion. You took it personally and others commented on your newly posted opinion. Again you took it personally. Nothing was an attack against you but you seemed to take it as one. Now people are poed and are going to take it out on you. If you want to stir uptricycle and incite continue as doing, but if you are truly looking for advice and want to stay on the borad post a sorry if I offended anybody type message and go about normal business or keep flaming everybody and be prepared to accept the consequences. I am trying to give it to you straight if you are looking to stir up things then feel free to go that direction and be prepared to deal with the repercussions but I would like to see you stay around and not be flamed on every post. Being an a$$hole is easy becoming part of a community is hard. It is up to you to make the call........................... End email. I might be an "old guy" but ole bunker boy did as I suggested and mended fences and got positive results from such. Seems like this "old guy" gave a good suggestion.................................BTW BB emails are not a normal thing. I get bunches of email but that is because I have info people want. You will get personal replies only for things that are not right for the board or want great detail. BB I would love you or others from the board to play with our crew most age in the 12-20 range though there are many in the 20-40 ages also. Anybody in the Rochester NY area post we have a great free/outlaw field on about 4 acres of land and play at local sanctioned fields also. |
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