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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Re: Orracle HELP

In Reply to: Orracle HELP posted by apcaz8 on January 13, 2003 at 23:40:28:

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Posted by:
on January 16, 2003 at 02:12:00

: I have an Orracle with a nitro gas system, the problem im having is that the 3 way regulator leaks when i fire one shot, also when i shoot a paintball it will only go 2 feet in front of me. Please help in fine tuning the 3 way valve, or whatever else help u think it needs. Thanks, Zac

Nomenclature===What we call stuff. first off, let's understand the problem. The 3way is the thing with the three hoses going into it. It's simply called the 3way (or 4way) and it is a SWITCH. the middle hose is connected to the front regulator which is getting air from the body and sending around 70psi (or less) into the 3way switch. The front hose and the back hose are both going to the RAM which is what actually recocks the gun.
Where exactly is the leaky air coming from?
Does this condition ever stop, or does it start and stop.
Can you fire a shot up to speed and then it chokes? If you wait, does the speed come back up to field legal or does it still choke?
What exactly did you do to the gun since you got it? Did you buy it used, off a friend, find it, or from a store?
All of these questions are pertinent to helping you get your gun working right.
The oraccle should be rocking out of the box, so if you haven't changed anything since it came from the factory, don't bother fixing it, send it back and let them send you it back to you perfect. For the money they charge for an oraccle you had better get a great shooting gun out of the box.
If however you messed with it, which is hard to understand, you need to detail exactly what you did, and how you found out it was not working right. Any details will help.
To figure out where the air is leaking from, hold the trigger down and pinpoint the leak. If you're not exactly sure, as in can't feel it, then spritz a little soapy water on it and see where the bubbles pop up.

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