Re: A few cocker Q's (im an autococker newbie)
In Reply to: A few cocker Q's (im an autococker newbie) posted by DukieNukem on August 21, 2003 at 18:06:55:
Posted by: Mijintel on August 28, 2003 at 14:27:02
I would go with compresssed air. for accuracy reasons. c02 wont hurt but why buy a cocker if your not going all out right? 2. if your gun isn't electric, go get the shocktech "bomb" 3way now! have it installed. it will cut your trigger pull more than half way. so in order to cock and recock your gun, you will only pull the trigger about 1/2 of the way. less chopping faster shooting. : Hi, just to let you know ive only ever played or worked with tippmanns so this is a whole new world for me. I was wondering if it was possible to use co2 rather than nitro for my 02 cocker, and if i could do that, would there be any possible repercussions? Also, what will upgrading the 3-way in the front do for me? I dont quite understand what all of the functions of it are. Thanks for your help, and keep in mind that im a cocker newbie when you answer....thanks!
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