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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker


In Reply to: I NEED SOME INFO ON THIS GUN..... posted by Trev-o knoxville on December 17, 2003 at 18:36:26:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on December 18, 2003 at 09:36:46

All Spyders and other blow backs tend to be loud. A low pressure marker is quieter but people will STILL hear you. A bit of a consideration.

Accuracy is more a function of paint quality than design. The round stuff that costs extra shoots better. My boys spyder and my autococker with a FREAK shoots about the SAME when you eyeball it at the chrono. You can't SEE the difference in performance. You have to bench rest it and measure some groups to actually see the better performance of the cocker and Freak barrel. Then the LP cocker, closed bolt with a premium barrel matched to paint diameter is measurably 'better'.

Those cocker owners that want to flame me now can just go to the chrono with a guy with a spyder and use the SAME paint and see if they can SEE the difference.

Playing with electro grip in the rain, snow, mud, running up a creek, etc. is also a consideration if you play in those conditions.

I play scenerio ball almost exclusively and they play rain or shine so I have a slide, mechanical trigger on my cocker and a stock spyder backup.

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