Re: A few cocker Q's (im an autococker newbie)
In Reply to: Re: A few cocker Q's (im an autococker newbie) posted by Mike Roch on August 21, 2003 at 20:07:44:
Posted by: gregh on August 21, 2003 at 23:19:55
At minimum you need an anti-siphon tank. A remote is better but Nitro tank is the best and if you keep playing and want to really advance(tournys, cold weather play etc....) you will end up going this route. You do not have to get a carbon fiber tank a steel one will work and is cheaper though heavier. Hold their value better than CO2 tanks and can probably use for a couple of years and get at least 1/2 of your $$ back(more if you find a used one cheaper).
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