Re: Cocking Rod Question
In Reply to: Cocking Rod Question posted by RazIII on November 25, 2002 at 12:43:25:
Posted by: Razorpb on November 25, 2002 at 14:39:02
If the knob is too far back it will not pull the hammer back far enough to engage the sear and you'll get the classic burping cocker. Dale's advice on removing a stuck rod is good, I believe you take 2 nuts that fit the rod (take the know off) tighten them snugly against each other and then put a wrench on one and twist, it should come out. One tool I have found to be invaluable in paintbll is Craftsman RoboGrips, get a set of them with the little gold rubber teeth covers with them, put them on the teeth and you can get that rod out without scratching it all up. Hope it helps. Razor : I have issues with my cocking rod. When I try to unscrew it to adjust velocity, I unscrew the knob on the end instead of the rod. This seems to happen even when I tighten the allen screw in the tip. Is there a trick to doing this correctly? I’ve also caught the knob on the end coming loose during play. How does the position on the knob effect the firing of the gun? I have a 02 Black Magic.
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