Re: I support the war - sort of.......
In Reply to: Re: I support the war - sort of....... posted by DaveA on March 30, 2003 at 12:31:00:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on April 06, 2003 at 12:52:02
: : 1 Saddam does have chemical and bio weapons he has used them on his own people : === One may wonder why we haven’t seen the use of any WMD against a force which that is obviously invading their country. If they had those weps, you’d really have to be delusional not to think they’d be using them as we speak. One guy I talked to said, they’re waiting for more Americans to get in country. This is pretty silly considering that if they wait much longer, they may not have a country to defend. So ask yourself why they haven’t used their stockpile of WMD. @@@@ We will find out shortly. : +++ Not that I condone his use of any weapons against “his own people” but you should understand who these people are. The Kurds of Northern Iraq do not consider themselves “His Own People” they want to NOT be “his own People” and with the help of the US began to revolt against Iraq in 92-93. Do some homework regarding these warlike and separatist peoples, and you’ll see that they are a problem to all their neighboring countries. Turkey is scaring the Kurds big time, which is part of the reason that we just placed paratroopers into Northern Iraq, to make sure the Turks don’t begin incursions into Northern Iraq. If you think that the Turks will be gentle, you are living in a dreamworld. The Turks can be some brutal motherfckers. @@@@ You bet! Why do you think the dependents of Air Force people based in Turkey were shipped out last week? They ain't worried about Iraq invading Turkey.......Thats for sure... : The idea of ‘His Own People’ is one of the many Justifications we are being fed from our government to pacify any homeland resistance. : : 2 in the past he has tried to invaid 2 other countries @@@@ Yep! and the US put him up to invading Iran and gave him the base chemicals and the receipe book to make chemical and bio weapons. : : 3 he has failed to obey Many UN resolutions in the past @@@ I'm don't disagree. Non payment is an attempt to leverage some changes - unsuccessfully. The structure of the security counsel, veto powers, etc. basically prevent that. It was designed for the Cold War and now out of date. I feel their charter needs to be revised to have a more viable future. It is all we have to work with as a world community. We just need to make it better..... Time for some changes or a replacment. What do you think about an armed UN Intervention Force? Simple majority vote of the world community. No Vetos. Drop a 250,000 people armed and equipped just like ours right between opposing sides and dare either of them to get past you to attack the other side. Just seperate the people trying to kill each other until a political solution can be had. An Individual from ANY country could volunteer to enlist in the UN Policing Force. Their country of origin would have the responsibility to pay for that person's training based on some formula. If they don't pay, they can't join. The people demonstrating against War or for Peace could pass the hat too. They could fund their own countrymen willing to do more than demonstrate for "World Peace". One more condition. Every Miss America candidate that wants to say they want to 'work for World Peace' has to volunteer first! : : 4. He is a brutal dictator. @@@ No argument here. America as stuck its finger in every pie in the Middle East. Know of an exception? We've been messing with their governments for a hunderd years now and the people have LONG Memories. Let's add Saudi Arabia as an repressive regieme that wouldn't be called "Saudi" Arabia the day after their first election... The Saudi Family would be out on their ear.... I heard but don't know for sure that they were in the top 10 of Human Rights Violaters at one time.. : : Nobody disagrees that the world would be a better place if he didn't control Iraq. Even the Arab states. : === I have no opinion on this since I am an American not an Iraqi. If I were from that region, I’m sure I’d have an opinion, and it might be in agreement. I’d have to say though, that if I were someone from a tribe who was butchered by some religious fanatics out of Iran or who’s grandparents were murdered by Kurds, perhaps I’d be glad Hussien was in power. You should ask yourself why YOU really think he’s unfit for rule. Really. Then apply those ideas to our own leadership, just for kicks. : +++++ Seriously, I’m not a left wing liberal POS. I’m just a normal middle class American like many, but I’m not going to be taken for a fool and treated like an idiot child. We all can see something is up here besides what the news is telling us. It’s our duty as Americans to look beyond the news and status quo. : : +++++The UN was backing their resolutions. We had inspectors in Iraq, sure with the threat of US invasion, and that was working. If the US wanted recompense for the billions it was costing to send troops over there to threaten Iraq into allowing inspectors back in, then you can believe that there is a program in place that would do just that. The Food for Oil Program is Iraq’s line of credit in the world. @@@@@@ Well, did you make my point? Do we agree? The embargo was a UN resolution that doesn't appear to have worked very well. How many years have to pass before the UN effort is considered a "failure"? Still, It is interesting that the US Coalition felt the need to be the lone voices in the world community that felt 'something' had to be done now. We are perceived as the "Bully" in the world community. I think if one examines why we are perceived that way, we would discover that their arguments actually have some merit. : ++++ I write all of the above as point to point arguments. I did that to help focus my own understanding and feelings, and to help others focus their doubts and feelings too. I do it with as much respect as you have given me. @@@@ I think we feel much the same way. It is good for all of us to try to express these conflicting feelings, emotions, and facts. : : The US has publically declared what "National Interests" we are defending. Unfortunately, Bush has lied to the whole world by OMITTING that the stability of the price of a barrel of oil is ONE of America's Vital interests. It IS and every reasonable, informed person knows it. Instead he states is ISN'T about oil. Who thinks that PART of this war ISN'T ABOUT OIL? : : Why doesn'the plan to 'liberate' North Korea? No oil. They admit to developing Weapons of MASS Destructions. : : But if US Policy is to become the world's policeman, then America HAS a problem. Your local policeman doesn't make up the law. The community makes up the law and the policeman's job is to enforce the law uniformly for all of the community members. : ++++ You voice many of the things that are being felt deep down inside of many of us. I was talking with my wife last night about what we as Americans should be trying to do in the world. This fight over oil is a fight about money invested in old technologies and commodities. There have always been stories of the perfect gasoline engine which will get umpteen hundred miles per gallon, but that cannot be produced thanks to the oil companies. This is obviously myth, but what isn’t myth is that we’re not ALL headed towards a betterment of the World. Once upon a time, not very long ago in the scheme of world history, our pioneer forefathers came here and carved out a world, a nation. Yankee ingenuity, hard work, and a fever towards betterment of the world. These things were the real revolution of democracy. We humans could and would work for ourselves, not ‘the king’ and become better individual men (and women) because we were finally allowed to be individuals. @@@@ Keep thinking about it..... All of us.... |
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