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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker


In Reply to: Re: E BLADE OR RACEGUN??!!! posted by Justin on May 04, 2003 at 14:42:18:

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Posted by:

on May 04, 2003 at 15:56:18

: : ok i have a gx3 cocker and am thinking aboutgetting an electronic grip frame but am not sure which one. i have heaard good things about both the e blade and the racegun. can some1 please help me?

: Scroll down the post lists and you will see alot of threads that have to do with this very question. I personally have never tried either, but I absolutley love the Worr hinges, and they can be dialed up to be almost as short as an electro, just a little heavier. Why do you want the electronics? What typ of play do you do most? Where do you play? If any of these factors involve water, I would reccomend a hinge rather than electronics. Good luck,
: The Snowgod

thanks for the response. i dont really need so much features and stuff just basically to shoot faster.

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