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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Just curious...

In Reply to: Re: No INHERENT problems, but... posted by low_n_slow on February 25, 2003 at 14:17:53:

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Posted by:

on February 26, 2003 at 09:51:32

I'm curious about a few things...
What is the 'guard' you mention that prevents the gun from being modified for full auto?

And, have there been some other modifications, because the 'wrench adjustment' and 'air pressure adjustment' that you mention are both standard adjustments on all stock autocockers.

: well here is the description:
: autococker 2000 with the following modifications: the guard has been removed so that the gun may be modified to run automatic, there is a custom made bolt which is more effective than the original due to its simplicity and weight. Both original bolt and guard will included for spare parts. It is timed for rapid fire and is almost silent when in play b/c of the custom barrel. (it's almost too silent) Has a 200 ball view loader that automatically loads the next ball for extream rapid fire. Has wrench adjustment to adjust the speed that ball is fired out at. And has air pressure adjustments to add or cutdown on airpressure behind each shot. I've had 200 balls go in 1 minute or less. This is a gun you won't find anywhere els

: i might just take a chance on it for under 200.

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