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Re: feel free to speak in a clear concise manner
In Reply to: feel free to speak in a clear concise manner posted by Jasleth on March 20, 2003 at 21:48:59:
Posted by: DaveA on March 22, 2003 at 13:55:35
Your points do not address mine. I add to the list, that Congress is the only institution in the Great Nation we live in that can declare war. Perhaps we have not declared war officially, and this is just the new way of getting what we want. The reason Congress is the one that declares war is because Congress is the representatives of the American People. It was done this way to ensure, or hinder, an Individual Leader in the Executive office from becoming a meglomaniac with unlimited powers of military force. Would Congress declare a war on Iraq now? Given the situation, apparently not. Given that they also havae access to much better sources of imformation than we the public typically do, one might consider that they are not just being wimps. Consider also that countries who have been traditional allies, such as France were not convinced sololy on the evidence that they were given at the UN or in diplomacy. If it were such a certain thing, the French as well as the Canadians, would definitely be in on this war. As for the UN resolutions, consider please, that as our president is fond of saying, you can't have it both ways. We can't hold up the UN resolutions of the past and say the violation of them is our legal basis for starting an invasion and then at the same time ignore the UN when it comes time for them to decide if we should cause such destruction and death as we are doing right this second. In the same breath we speak of criminal behavior by the Iraqi Govt against it's own people, but we refuse to be a part of the World Court and have declared that the UN is no longer relevant. What then, we are reduced to the laws of the playground, that ultimately it's our right to destroy, change, and rule over any peoples who do not adhere to our standards of PROJECTED behavior (NOT according to our standards of Actual Behavior) ? I urge you to consider other arguments as well as the simple ones being produced in many vehicles of the Media. Do you really believe everything that the news tells you? Do you perhaps see that the news is not always a vehicle for real truth, but is a medium for the manipulation of thought and therefore people? Consider that most of the top ranking administration are old hands from the days of the Vietnam war, a time when the Media had something of a freer hand, and the people of America seeing the first modern non-declared War and it's senselessness, clamoured for peace and eventually got it. Noone in the adminstration wants to let that happen again. We saw it in the first gulf war, control of the media was with an iron fist. We knew nothing of the War until years later. WMD. I urge you to look at this site's list of how our intelligence agencies failed prior to 9/11. To again address the Chemical attacks on the Kurds in iraq. If you do any research you'll see that the Kurds of Northern Iraq have long been a separatist group. This is not some namby pamby petition signing peacenik group. This is as if the great Southern states of America decided to quit the Union. Not quite that much terrain, but you might be able to see what I'm saying. Our news says, Iraq gassed his own people. Turkey and Syria both have great worries if the Kurds gain autonomy. Kurdistan would create a huge problem to those two countries. We don't hear much about the Kurds that are killed in those nations, do we? Let's get this straight, I'm not some one so naive as to think that war doesn't exist or have it's reasons. I do not say FCK war because I'm a flowereyed peacenik. I say it because this war is wrong.
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