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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Not all LP tanks are dual regulated...

In Reply to: Re: low pressure and high pressure tanks posted by Dale on July 21, 2003 at 10:05:33:

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Posted by:
on July 22, 2003 at 15:05:42

I know Crossfire tanks in the 450 output are the same as the 850 outputs, just a different spring pack for lower output pressure. I'm sure other companies are doing the same as well.


: : what tank under 200 bucks would work best for my gun?

: Since you already have a secondary regulator on the autococker, a high pressure (preset) is all you need.

: A Low Pressure tanks are dual regulated with both regs in the tank. The secondary reg is adjustable. A duplicate of your stock cocker reg. Makes the tank much more expensive and just one more thing to create problems down the road.

: The stock cocker reg can be rebuilt by YOU for $12. Not so the regulators on the air tanks. Off to the factory and more money to spend.

: Now 3000 psi vs 4500 psi. I have a 4500 too and I can RARELY get it filled over 3200 psi. At the local fields, store, or an out of town scenerio game. The nitro tanks come full at 4500 and loose pressure as they fill tanks. To get 4500 I have to get a fill immediately after they have switched to a brand new nitro tank. A scenerio games, they fill can recharge. Half the time you get 2500 after standing in line for 30 minutes.

: 4500 tanks are much more expensive and don't recert as easily as a 3000. (higher standards to pass)

: SO if you want a little more shot capacity, consider a step up in size rather than pressure.

: Wrapped tanks can be carbon fiber or fiberglass wrapped. Some weight difference. Steel 68x3000 are CHEAP relative to wrapped tanks. ($85 -100)
: You could by two steel for your $200. Compare tyhe weight of the steel vs a wrapped of the same capacity and pressure and see if that weight in difference is worth the price to you.

: I have an Air America wrapped. Lifetime warranty on all their products. Only expense for me is the shipping. $20 I like that considering I have had to send it back twice. Once when I bought it in non working condition (cheap) and two years later for a reg rebuild and recert.

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