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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

I use only 3in1 oil..

In Reply to: cleaning 2k3 posted by Chronik on October 29, 2003 at 23:36:15:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on October 31, 2003 at 08:46:17

I works and it is CHEAP. The cap STAYS on the bottle when it falls over in your box of stuff.

The Vaseline is good only for lubing the Air O rings on the tank.

I play all year round. 20 degrees above zero was BARELY fun. Everyone wanted to hang by the fire instead of PLAYING! Wimps! I have warmies and move enough to work up a sweat.

The Vaseline on the bolt starts getting thick in the cold but didn't really cause any problems. 3 in 1 doesn't get as thick as Vaseline in the cold.

40 degrees and higher would be no problem with Vaseline. It wasn't in 20 degrees either if I just set my front reg up a bit more.

But since I clean my beast after every game and if I chop a ball, Between Games, I found it easier just to use the 3 in 1 on the bolt too.

DON'T forget to clean and LUBE your INTERNALS once in a while. Saves headaches on the field and rebuilding regulators.

About every 3-4 cases of paint I put 3 drops of 3 in 1 in the ASA and dry fire it until the oil stops comming out the front of the receiver. Do it with the barrel off unless you want to clean oil out of your barrel.

Now I USE and have FOR SALE about two 10 foot lengths of Premium Hose (300 psi burst rated) for the front end pneumatics. Each $10 shipped. Had to buy a 100 foot roll of the stuff.

CHEAP considering the kits are $5 a foot and blow up on you cause they are vinyl plastic.

It is green but is ALSO clear. I RECOMMEND the CLEAR pneumatic hoses just so YOU can see when you CAN'T SEE through the hoses anymore. That is MY indicator that the internals of my regulators and pneumatics need to be cleaned. You'd be suprised how quickly that happens even with Nitro. Especially if you use CO2. Nasty stuff.

Clean and lube all moving parts after every game and do this preventive stuff and you will have a trouble free marker.

Just a tip from the Old Fart...

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