Re: trigger rod probs
In Reply to: trigger rod probs posted by Jacen99 on November 12, 2002 at 19:14:50:
Posted by: patindahat on November 12, 2002 at 21:06:49
Depeneds on what kind of 4-way you have..... I'm presuming its stock, so they 4-way shaft is bent, or the timing rod (the rod you were talking about) is off. What is happening is the o-rings on the 4-way shaft aren't sitting right. You might want to remove the timing rod from the 4-way shaft, and spin it a bit to see if it is bent. If its a really small leak a drop of oil through the 4-way could fix it, I'd try that first. Pat : when i gas my cocker up, the front block leaks untill i press the trigger rod towards the gun...and whenver i pull the trigger, the rod moves back to where it was, making air leak. anyone know what could be wrong? thanks.
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