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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Boy, your stirrin the turd with that question....

In Reply to: Re: Whats wrong with the barrel you have? posted by rodman on May 06, 2003 at 09:54:59:

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Posted by:
on May 06, 2003 at 15:56:03

There's 2 camps here at Warpig on the barrel systems. 1: Barrel systems (Freak in particular in my opinion) are the best thing in the world of paintball, next to the cocker. and 2: Barrels systems do absolutely nothing other than keep the balls from rolling out the barrel and draining the wallet. I'm in camp 1 and totally dissagree with Dale, I've shot some Diablo Rec Sport, had to use the smallest sleeve, and attained the accurracy of Marballizer, which I don't personally think is all that great for the price. You can get Nelsplat (low $40's), Legends (low $50's), even Anarchy for the price, or less of Marbs and be shooting a better quality paint in my opinion. I think the last sentence in Dale's ball measuring post was something like "find a ball that fits/matches you barrel and stick with it". Dale how is that different that changing sleeves to match the balls. You said the balls vary so greatly, and the sleeves vary so little that it won't make a difference. Why don't we take it a step further and say "we shouldn't use a barrel at all since the balls vary so much that it doesn't make a difference what size the barrel is". This is what I do. I take 5 or 6 balls and drop them into a sleeve, if it falls out I drop a size or 2 until I get a snug fit that you can blow out like a blowgun and break on the wall, and do the rest of the 5 balls to see if I get the same results, that's my system. If your playing rec and scenarios, chances are you'll have to shoot field paint only at some of the events, then your screwed if you have only 1 barrel that fits the paint you always shoot but can't use. Hope it helps.


: Not saying anything is wrong with the stock...but in reviews and conversations, I have not gotten a good idea of the quality of the stock outkast barrell---pretty much every review i have seen, except one or two, says "upgrade the barrell"

: so i was basically trying to figure out a) if it is really bad and b)if it is, whats a moderate step up.

: and for what its worth, i know the longer barrells are preferred by the sniper types, and i have leaned toward 14 the 14 inch better than say a 10 inch? what are the pros and cons?

: : Those aren't shabby barrels. Should be more accurate than the guy firing it....

: : You on the Quest for Accuracy?

: : What paint are you shooting? A Freak system won't make field paint shoot like Marbs...
: : If you want accuracy, you have no choice but to buy quality and expensive paint....

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