Re: First, .......
In Reply to: E-Blade problem posted by Jon on September 11, 2003 at 19:44:58:
Posted by: Superannuated on September 22, 2003 at 21:18:45
Before you replace any parts, "sweet spot" your inline reg. Just set your velocity adjustment nut most of the way out and increase/decrease your inline regulator pressure until you find the pressure that gives you maximum velocity over the chronograph. Then adjust your velocity with the adjumsment nut and try playing. This will give you optimal gas efficiency with your setup. Also make sure that your LP reg isn't turned up unnecessarily high, as this wastes air and is hard on paint. Also check for leaks (tank reg, valve, 3-way, fittings). If, after you do this, your air consumption still sucks, then look at your valve, cup seal, hammer weight and spring tensions. Good luck, Superannuated
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