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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Very strange velocity problems

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Posted by:
Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman
on July 06, 2003 at 12:19:02

So I went to the store, filled up two fresh tanks so I could get in some target practice. I start shooting and realize every other shot has a major drop off in velocity. And it was literally every other shot too. I was at home so I didn't have access to a chornograph, but I estimate my velocity was going between 240-280 fps. Yes I am using CO2, but these shots were not in rapid succession so I don't think it was that kind of drop off. Another piece of information is that I recently changed my hoses, but those hoses were NOT specifically autococker hoses. Again, I don't think that would explain every OTHER shot being slow, but it might help someone else come to a possible solution. FYI, I am running a 99 Autococker with some kind of venturi bolt (ugh), stock barrel, what looks like a stock reg, and what looks like stock front end parts. I am a little reluctant to take this thing apart because I haven't learned to time it yet, but I'll do whatever is necessary to fix my gun. Thanks a lot!


Follow Ups:
  • Be there, Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 08:41:47 07/07/03 (3)
    • questions Steve "Sneaky Man" Herman 16:39:30 07/07/03 (2)

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