Re: I need help with my 98 autococker PLEASE!!!
In Reply to: I need help with my 98 autococker PLEASE!!! posted by Adam plains on August 16, 2003 at 21:26:20:
Posted by: Poldo on August 16, 2003 at 21:40:38
: My autocker is a 98 and today i just tried to fire it for the first time in like 10 months. Well i took it outside and there wasn't enought pressure to make the ball go out the end of the barrel, so i turned up the volicity and it blew the hoses. So i turned it down and now it wont hold any pressure it just blows all the co2 out of the front of the three way and the front reg. If you have any ideas or need any more info to help please ask. i need help i took it to the paintball store and they said they fixed it but they didn't and i need help doing it. Thanks alot Please respond ok first of all turning up the velocity should not blow the hoses. what controls the hoses is the front low pressure reg. because its been sitting up for so long the o-rings inside the 3-way may have gone bad. depending on what kind of 3-way you have will deterime how you take it apart. if you should have to take it off...make sure you count the number of turns before it comes out...or better yet count the number of turns from where it is now to it screwed all the way into the block. if the o-rings are good...then its a timing problem. you will have to adjust your timing rod or actuating rod. if it is leaking out of the front of the 3-way when you put the tank on, you need the adjust it so that the rod moves further into the 3-way from its resting foward position. this will take a lot of trial and error. the way i do it is this. i first make sure the when the gun is cocked...the hammer is released when the hold in the trigger plate is in the center of the hole where the actuating rod enters the grip frame. then at that point i look into the front of the 3-way to see where the tip of the 3-way rod is. it should not of cleared the first hole yet. if it has...you need to come forward with it a lil more. that should get you in a good ball parked position to start timing it. i am assuming that you have a stock or similar to stock 3-way. if you have a quick switch or bomb or other similar 3-way...you will just have to test to see where the timing is right. good luck |
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