Freak Inserts Broken?
Posted by: SniperD on September 06, 2003 at 10:02:31
Hey I just picked up some new blaze paintballs. When I stick them into my freak insert some sides of the paintball fit fine into the insert but on some points around the paintball I can see light. I have picked the right insert for the paint which is the purple .684 insert. Does this mean my insert is screwed up or is the paintball just not a perfect sphere? I know blaze is not the perfect paintball but they are of pretty high quality. When I first purchased my freak (Before all the lawsuit bulls***) I had to force my inserts into the barrel until I herd you need to lubricate the o-rings inside the barrel and sometimes the o-rings would unseat themselves. Could this have caused damage to my inserts or would you need to apply allot of pressure such as stepping on them to damage them? I am just unsure if it’s probably my barrel insert that’s off round or if it’s my paintballs. I have tried this with several paintballs in my box. Thanks in Advance. |
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