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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Trigger stop

In Reply to: Hinge Dilemma posted by Devon on February 27, 2003 at 11:30:48:

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Posted by:
K Keaty
on February 27, 2003 at 13:15:56

A little while ago, WARPIG did a writeup on a trigger shoe sold by Palmer's Pursuit Shop ( that included a set screw that acted like a trigger stop. This would seem the easiest and least expensive way to shorten your pull. And, I'll also add that ROF is not the primary concern for most situations. Truthfully, if your first 1 or 2 shots aren't on target, you've just put your opponent back behind cover instead of in the dead box. Spend more money on the paint you need to improve your accuracy (snap shooting drills and such) than the equipment you need to improve your rate of fire. Those are my 2 cents. Hope it helps.


: I'll start this off by saying this: I hate hinges.
: Not necessarily because of the whole hinge idea, but rather because every hinge I've felt is stiff, hard, and long. There have been the occasional hinge that actually felt nice to shoot (The Black Magic hinge comes to mind, but that's because the black magic trigger feels like a slider), but on the whole, they're just not a good frame. BUT- it's the easiest way to shorten my pull. I know that springs have the most to do with feel and basically, my question is this: I've got a shocktech slide frame, and, to be honest, I can't reccomend this to anyone, largely because it has no trigger pull stop. Would it be better to just pawn this off on someone and spring for a black magic hinge, to shorten my pull? I'm trying to set my cocker up for tournament play and just had a whole slew of new parts on it. Bomb, Vigilante reg, Smart valve, CT front reg, and an STO ram, etc. and for playing front, I'm really starting to worry that my ROF with a long pull slide just won't cut it. Any advice, personal accounts, help at all would be greatly appreciated.

: Thanx,
: Devman

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