Re: What is the best VALUE cocker mod?
In Reply to: Re: What is the best VALUE cocker mod? posted by charlie2k3 on April 25, 2003 at 08:23:58:
Posted by: Razorpb on April 25, 2003 at 11:49:28
03's have some milling, hinge frame standard I think. That's one of the reasons to own a cocker, customizing it to your preferences, there's so many options available. Some of the companies do use original WGP bodies, they say so in their advertising. Others like X-enterprises, AKALMP, G3 and others do their own. You can get stock WGP bodies in raw or anodized with the blocks and asa from Paintball Inc, and KAPP for around $150. Hope it helps. Razor : Thanks for the help. whats the difference between the 2k2 and 2k3 autocockers? I see that you can get a vert feed 02 for about $300 or a vert feed 03 for about $350- whats different in their? I guess the main reason I'm considering starting from stock is because I'll be able to slowly upgrade the parts on the cocker, eventually probably making every single part aftermarket. : Also, does WGP sell stripped cockers? What I mean is, all the companies that make the autococker mods, do they really start with a full stock cocker or do they get one that already has the parts stripped out? It seems like all they really need to do is pay WGP for the name because a lot of these cockers don't have a single stock part in them, or so it seems. Its pretty funny that you can build a cocker from all aftermarket parts, including the frame.
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