Re: Best Paint for Stock 2003 Autococker
In Reply to: Best Paint for Stock 2003 Autococker posted by Dragon_Reef on November 25, 2002 at 07:58:14:
Posted by: Vampyr on November 25, 2002 at 15:48:57
Although arguably not the greatest paint on the planet, Marbalizer is a quality paint and should shoot decently from a stock barrel... Depending on temp and humidity of course, but should atleast fly regardless. : All, : I just purchased my first autococker and was wondering what paint to start out on. I am interested in getting to know the gun first, before any modifications. I am also interested in starting out with better that field paint. I am leaning towards Marballizer since I am already making a purchase from an online store that has 1/2 cases for $29.00. Figure I would try some before loading up on it. From what I can find the bore size to paint should be a good fit, assuming that the weather is not to cold. Any and all experience with the stock barrel to paint matching would be great. I will look into upgrading the bolt/barrel in the spring. Also I will be running HPA/N2 incase that makes a difference to the paint match. Thanks in advance for the help. : Dave
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