Re: custom autococker
In Reply to: custom autococker posted by d-rock on January 10, 2003 at 16:12:37:
Posted by: John "packer" LaCara on January 12, 2003 at 01:56:14
If your looking to get custom work done on a cocker most airsmiths will do it for normal price plus labor costs. If you know enough about cockers though, your best bet would be to do it yourself because Airsmiths have a way of charging you a fortune to get a custom job. Depending on how much you want to spend your better off just buying a custom milled cocker of the type you want from P&P paintball(supercocker.com)insted of an airsmith. The internals won't be that bad, so i would recommend you upgrade your front end first. An ANS front end would give you the least problems with stock internals. I hope this helps. John "Packer" LaCara
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