Re: 2k2 'Cocker or Electro?
In Reply to: 2k2 'Cocker or Electro? posted by IrishKid on November 23, 2003 at 15:55:31:
Posted by: gregh on November 25, 2003 at 00:02:35
In another thread you said the electro was a LCD Black Dragun. If that is the case, run don't walk to buy the cocker. I know 2 people that bought black draguns and they were back and forth to the shop constantly. One sold his and bought a cheaper(but more reliable) Spyder the other is having intermittant problems now, but usually can play(though gun has died during games). The cocker needs maintenance but it can usually be fixed if there is somebody with cocker experience around. When the grip in the Dragun starts acting up other than changing the batteries there is not much you can do. : I need some advice! One friend wants to sell me a 2k2 'Cocker, and the other says that I should buy his electro because it is easier to use. Which one to choose?
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