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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Q-Loading Cocker????

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Posted by:

on August 05, 2003 at 11:23:37

I'm really looking forward to seeing and using a Q-Loader for myself. I think if the system is rugged, doesn't break paint, and can keep up with a high ROF, they'll easily become the dominant loader in paintball. The posibility of having 100 rounds magazine system neatly tucked under your barrel that replaces the usual monstrosity of a hopper that blocks your vision and presents a huge target, will appeal to alot of players. I really hope Q-Loader was developed right. :) However, as a Cocker player, and thanks to the front block, I'll have this (probably) revolutionary loader stupidly sitting all on it's own, hanging around 6" below the barrel on a mount that will surely stress your reg connection. I can already hear the sound of the Q-Loader cracking as my knee comes up when so a quick tuck at a bunker. And just because it's me, they'll be a nice little hiss singing from the ASA.
My question to everyone is, what do you all think of the Q-Loader? How would you mount it on a Cocker? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY ::::

Would you buy a front block milled to connect the Q-Loader too, rather than the regulator body?

I'm thinking I might mill something up if there are enough people interested.

I'd really appreciate all your opinions on this.

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