low pressure, accurcy & efficiency...(long)
In Reply to: Is low pressure any good posted by the_only_rhino88 on April 09, 2003 at 22:51:39:
Posted by: BodyByHostess on April 10, 2003 at 10:33:34
Low pressure, accuracy & efficiency are for the most part 3 separate issues. But there is a little overlap. Efficiency is using the least air volume possible per shot (lower pressure does not = lower volume as a short burst of higher pressure air may in fact be lower volume than a long burst of low pressure air). Lower volume per shot = more shots per air fill. Max efficiency is achieved by using the proper springs for your particular valve/hammer combination and the optimum operating pressure for that combination. There are many articles written about 'sweetspotting your reg'. This is the process of determining the optimum operating pressure (the output pressure from your inline reg) for your marker. So, in fact, those articles should be titled 'sweetspotting you valve/hammer/spring combination'! Accuracy and efficiency should be your first goals and are partially related. Which is more important depends on your situation. Do you get free air where you play? If so, accuracy should be your 1st goal. Are air fills expensive or harder to come by? If so, efficiency may be the key for you. Accuracy is all about your paint to barrel match (that's why barrel systems are so popular). An additional benefit of a good paint to barrel match is increased efficiency. With the right size paint/barrel, air volume is not being lost around a too small paintball in a too large barrel or excess air is not being used to force a tightly fit ball out of a too small barrel. As far as low pressure goes, that in itself should not be your goal. But, if it turns out that your gun is more efficient at lower pressure, then it's a good thing. there is one indirect benefit of a most low pressure setups. In most cases a low pressure setup will be using a light mainspring. As a result, you can usually turn down your cocking pressure to where your bolt might stop (pinch) on a partially fed ball rather than chop it. Hope this helps. : RHINO
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