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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Multiple Cocker Questions

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Posted by:
on November 28, 2003 at 15:35:04

I have few questions for all the people who know something about autocockers. if you look at all my other posts you can see that ive pondered over many guns for my next one, a step up from my upgraded 98 custom. i want a gun that has great accuracy and a decent ROF, and that has lead me to the 2k3 vert autococker. so any answers would be appriceated.

1) I have heard that cockers in general are very tempermnetal, which is not a big deal to me because i know one of the best gun techs in the area to help with all that but anyways how difficult is timing and setting up the autococker in general?

2) since the 2k3 autococker comes with no air setup i am probably buying a flame drop and steel braided hose. but what length should the hose be?

3) Is this gun accurate for the money that im going to spend? (most likely i will put a boomstick on it?)

thanks in advance for any advice

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