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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Re: RE:autocker upgrades

In Reply to: RE:autocker upgrades posted by jop on December 07, 2002 at 20:48:57:

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Posted by:
on December 08, 2002 at 10:56:52

Why go by others opinions on upgrades? This is your cocker, right? Make it yours. I have had countless people tell me to shoot a hinge they are great, and I will admit that I absolutely can't get quite as high an ROF with a hinge, but I also can't play an entire game with a hinge comfortably without short stroking. I got too used to a slide and I just can't switch without a long drawn out processes. Why bother when I can still get slide action? Take your gun out, see what you don't like about it. Not fast enough? New three way, quicker ram, hinge trigger. Too much kick? Lower pressure, delrin bolt, ect. You find the problems with it, some can be fixed by upgrades, some by timing, and fix them. This is your gun, make it yours.

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