98 cocker, Bargain?
Posted by: Beest on February 22, 2003 at 11:21:23
I have been playing PB for a couple of years and am thinking of upgrading from my Tippmann to a 'cocker. I have been eyeing up the '03s, but was in one of my local PB stores yesterday and they had a used 'cocker on the wall. The guy behind the counter thought it was a 98, it was all stock internals but had an upgrade chrome front pnuematics, with adjusatble front reg, it also had a 12 inch Booomstick barrel. It was priced at $200 but the assistant thought this was too much, perhaps there is room for negotiation. This would not be a private sale it would be from the store who would warranty it to some extent, that it works reasonably for instance. I am 32, a PhD educated engineer and would be quite interested in stripping and refurbishing it, but would I be able to get spares if anything broke, or put a hinge on later or this this marker dead end. What do you think I could offer for it, I'm in SE Michigan. |
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