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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Ram Related?

In Reply to: Sounds like a timing issue... posted by BodyByHostess on December 31, 2002 at 09:51:45:

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Posted by:
on January 19, 2003 at 15:12:29

If you're venting air from the threeway, that air, if I'm not mistaken, is coming from the ram. Is it possible that you either A) Have a bad ram or B) have pinched o-rings or blown o-rings in the ram?

My thoughts,


: If the block moves forward only when you push the trigger forward, the 3-way is probably set too short.

: Between the 3-way and the trigger is a bent rod (activating rod) that goes through the trigger at one end and is attached to the 3-way shaft at the other end. The coupler that connects the activating rod and the 3-way has 2 set screws. Loosen (or remove) the one closest to the trigger. You can then rotate the coupler (attached to the 3-way shaft) around the activating rod. Turn it so you are 'unscrewing' the coupler from the activating rod (1 or 2 turns should get you in business).

: Next, go to
: There is a great info sheet there that can thouroughly walk you through properly timing your cocker.

: Hope this helps :)

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