Re: 90* elbow ->remote<-90* elbow... possible?
In Reply to: Re: 90* elbow ->remote<-90* elbow... possible? posted by vantrepes on January 06, 2003 at 09:23:24:
Posted by: X on January 06, 2003 at 16:54:26
Well, I already have 2 regs; an ergo and a stock inline. Here's what I'll have... a stock with a 4oz. bottle connected to a bottomline adapter, then either a coiled remote hose or 4 inch steel braided hose connected to the inline, then a braided hose connected from the inline to the ergo. There's not much space left in the stock, so I'm not sure a remote would fit. But if it did, it would be much much better. So my question still stands (having never held a remote in my life): Can I have a coiled remote hose connected to two 90* elbows? Thanks for the reply. -X
: : Is it possibe to have a remote hooked up to two 90* elbows? If so, can you advise me on which one? I am working on double regulation for my cocker with co2, and I think this would help greatly. Thanks for your time, : : -X
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