No reg could be the problem
In Reply to: Re: Velocity Probs? posted by Shadow_Cocker on February 14, 2003 at 10:36:40:
Posted by: BodyByHostess on February 14, 2003 at 11:34:23
That could be your problem right there. Are you using CO2 or Nitro? If Nitro, is it fixed output (low or high? 450 or 800psi+) or adjustable? If the inpout pressure to the gun is high (800psi+), the pressure behind the valve is too great for the hammer to open the valve nearly enough. When you get a reg what you'll see is that as you increase pressure out of the reg to your gun (operating pressure) from very low to very high, your velocity will increase at first and will then begin to decrease. The point where your velocity is maxed out is called your 'sweet spot' (Prob somewhere between 300 & 400 psi). That's where the gun is the most air efficient. With the velocity adjuster at midway, if the velocity at the sweet spot is too high or too low you should change one or both springs to get close to your desired velocity.
: : :
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