Re: autococker-m98monkey or razorpb please help again
In Reply to: autococker-m98monkey or razorpb please help again posted by robert on November 19, 2002 at 15:25:39:
Posted by: m98monkey on November 20, 2002 at 18:56:24
First, it's cool. I'd rather have you ask first, then screw it up. No, you don't need to retime everytime. YOu do however, need to clean it every time. To clean it, pull out the bolt, wipe off and paint/dirt and put a light fresh coat of grease on it. Every 2-3 cases of paint, you should put a few drops of oil in your air connection and cycle it about 40 times. That's about it. Switching the three way hoses is only done when you go to a hinge trigger. Because instead of pulling the ride like on the stock slide, it pushes it. After a while you do need to replace the hose because they get dirty. The reg reduces incoming pressure to a better operating pressure. The come operating in the 400 psi area, while co2 output is normally 800-1000. The stock one is adjustable, but it requires you to disassemble it. I would recommend finding a friend, a strap wrench and a vice to do that. The come preset, so you don't have too much to worry about there. Finally, unscrewing the tank. You dump so much gas not because you aren't unscrewing it fast enough, but because the entire system plainly holds alot of gas. instead of using higher preasures and lower volumes of gas, it uses lower pressure and higher volumes of gas so it needs alot in the air chamber and reg. The best you can do is unscrew it to just before the gas starts to leak out and fire off the last few shots first. Then finish unscrewing. Hopefully this helps. |
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