Re: A propane/butane torch
In Reply to: Re: Your Fingers posted by pntballfreak on May 06, 2003 at 16:01:27:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on May 07, 2003 at 13:05:44
It will take quite a bit of heat but don't fry the finnish. Patience. Keep the torch moving and heat even.. Put the front block in a vice but insulate the block from the metal jaws using a piece of wood on each side. That way you don't have to heat the vise along with the block to get the temperature up to what you need. The wood is a good temperature guage. If you are getting ready to set it on fire and it is smoking real good you are too hot! That aluminum block is a Big heat sink and will suck up a lot of heat before the temperature comes up enough to start to soften the Loctite. Ditto if you don't insulate the vice too. The Loctite will start to bubble a bit and you are hot enough right there where it is exposed but it may take a little more time to heat it all the way through the block where the threads are. When it gets hot, it will back out by hand with a set of gloves on. If it don't move, it isn't warm enough so hestitate to crank on it with a pair of pliers. And be sure to get all the O rings out of the block AND the shaft out of the 3 way, IF it gets cool, it will be hard to turn again so have a piece of leather, pliers, and THICK LEATHER OR COTTON gloves handy. No polyester or nylon.... Even think about taking the barbs off too so you don't break one off accidentially. Re install with Blue Loctite so they don't leak. Omit if they loctited them in too.
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