In Reply to: Need Advice - Autococker purchase! posted by diginerd on March 04, 2003 at 13:52:27:
Posted by: DaveA on March 05, 2003 at 01:19:32
I've been shooting 3 cockers lately and they are all very hot. Orracle is a great fast tight gun, with the absolute BEST 4way on the market. The pull is madhouse short. The body is light, without a sightrail, and the new tickler front reg. A very awesome gun. Erracle? I don't see the need, but if I was going to go Electrococker, I'd get the eblade separately and get an outkast, the reason for this is that the Eorracle bypasses the major performance upgrade of the orracle4way. So why bother... The Outkast seems to be the new generation of STO, and it's a great gun for half the price. The o3 stock cocker is a great gun outta the box. All of them have 2nd Generation hinges, and that's a big difference from the first gen. Imfho, the Dye has nothing on the Orracle. |
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