the differences
In Reply to: First Autococker posted by Crazy_Eyes on February 25, 2003 at 22:43:40:
Posted by: DaveA on February 26, 2003 at 18:47:41
there are some major differences in the 03 vertical and the 02 sidefeed. The most obvious is the feed. I fyou plan on using a sight, it has to be an open eye sight if you wanna get the 03. Not a big deal, but if you're used to a reddot you can't use it with the 03 for obvious reasons. Cleaning a gack on a vertical feed is a little harder and messier than with the standard feed. But it does feed faster. The next and more important difference is the trigger. The 03 comes with a gen2 hinge. The 02 comes with a very good STO plate trigger. The hinge makes the trigger very easy to 'learn' whereas with the slide trigger you'll have to get a feel for the gun. It's not a big deal, but it does require a slight learning. (My friend Jess got an STo last year and was having huge problems with it, he was going nuts adn kept taking it to the store. I kept telling him it was his fingers, and he spent a whole day just triggering and now forgetaboutit he's madhouse fast with it.) The 03 is also lighter weight than the 02. They've done even MORE milling, this time some internal stuff. What else... If I was buying a new cocker, the 03 would be the one, though I'd prefer a sidefed cuz I like using a sight.
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