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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Re: Correct me if I am wrong but...

In Reply to: Re: Correct me if I am wrong but... posted by Vampyr on February 12, 2003 at 17:10:51:

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Posted by:

on February 13, 2003 at 09:57:03

Sorry for any confusion and you are correct the valvue spring has nothing to do with the cocking presure, but what i was thinking is harder valve spring leads to harder hammer spring. And thus draining on the battery, because of the pressure on the solinoid.

So has anyone had problems with sealing the valve with the softer spring?

thanks again

: : the valve spring has nothing to do with recocking. its simply lets a certain amount of air up to the ball. the hammer spring is what you should be concerned with when talking about recocking. but even would the spring being hard drain the battery? your pressure to recock the gun is from your low pressure reg. all the e-blade does is shifts the air from the back to the front of the ram and back again. therefore the spring has nothing to do with the battery. unless the strength of the spring pushing against the sear when you a firing the gun is what you meaning. but even wouldnt affect that much. and that is why you are supposed to use a polished squared off lug. I may be wrong...but thats the way that i think of it.
: : later
: : adam

: The main spring effects the drain on the solenoid, not the valve spring.
: The settings at '.net are based on the harder valve spring.

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