Hammerhead Barrel
Posted by: Poldo on July 10, 2003 at 22:19:59
Im not trying to degrade or cut down any other barrel. I am not from the company that makes these brilliantly designed pieces of art. I just want to let everyone know about a new product that has hit the market. It is the Hammerhead Barrel System. You can check them out at www.officialpaintball.com I bought mine at mardi gras open this past year. even though i did get a defective barrel...the guys from hammerhead were very helpful and wanted to know exactly what they could do to help. in my case...the barrel had to be replaced. well the barrel is back now...and all i can say is wow. accuracy...thats the only word that can describe it. its looks cool too. and it has to be the lightest barrel ever. you all should really check them out. it wont be a waste of time. |
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