What size pattern at 30 yards?
In Reply to: All American problems posted by Mike Roch on May 03, 2003 at 20:56:00:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on May 04, 2003 at 10:39:23
What kind of pattern are you getting? It is stringing out vertically indicating velocity inconsistencies? You have problems with balls rolling out the barrel. If it just rolls down an inch before it gets fired, it shoots significantly slower than one that was right agaist the bolt. A 4 inch roller when fired gives you a real blooper. Maybe you have two symptoms with the same cause. Paint rolling down the barrel. You could check this out by simply shooting a pattern making sure your barrel is pointed UP constantly so the balls can't roll down the barrel part way. If you pattern tightens up, then you know the cause... Got a high spot on a tree to shoot at? Then the base of it with your barrel pointind down slightly. Should tell the tale. Have you tried more than one order of paint? You could have gotten some older paint that has been lying around? It happens. Not all that 3 month old paint left over from winter has been sold yet.... I wish the manufacturer would put an Sell Before Date on their boxes just like a gallon of milk. The bore is too big or the paint too small. RPS makes a slightly smaller diameter during the winter compared to summer season. Pretty common with paint manufacturers. Gives a little blow by to reduce barrel breaks in the cold weather. Not a problem for everyone that doesn't own an autococker but IS a real paint for us. I've been tempted to drill and tap a hole IN my old stock barrel to install a secondary detent just for playing with that small paint in the wintertime. My paint is RPS Gator Black. Fine in the summer but rolls out in the winter. A real pain! Or just double tap the guy when you bunker him knowing the first shot is a blank... |
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