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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

A few points

In Reply to: Re: Super rare auto response trigger cocker posted by m98monkey on March 12, 2003 at 19:40:42:

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Posted by:
on March 13, 2003 at 23:05:58

True, they are not tourney legal in most big tourneys, but it all depends on the tourney.
As for chopping paint, they don't. With proper timing, it will shoot like an electro. Rest your finger on the trigger lightly, you get a steady stream of 4 BPS. Add a little more pressure, 8 BPS. Hold it down, and it kicks up to the limit.
Between the anti-chop bolt, and the extra throw on the ram, chopping isn't a problem. They are a little tricky to set up correctly, but once it's dialed in, loc-tite it, and it isn't an issue.
They are fun to have, and will scare the hell out of people, but since the use can be limited, I wouldn't get it as a main gun.
Yes, I have a Reflex Kit, no, it's not built into a gun yet, I'm waiting to get a body milled.

: Basically, because it isn't tourney legal. Since rt's have now become mostly illegal in national Tourneys, what bother producing them. Just like full auto isn't even an option anymore for angels. Besides, why bother turning a perfectly good cocker into an automag? Do you really wanna chop that much paint?

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