Don't start grinding you brand new tank!
In Reply to: HI low posted by m98monkey on April 30, 2003 at 14:41:40:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on May 04, 2003 at 11:10:05
He has the right idea though. Possibly , the valve stem in the tank isn't being depressed sufficiently to get the refil flow you need between faster shots. If so, this would be a WARRENTY ITEM that PURE ENERGY or you retailer should fix. But the retailer might say, you have a 'gun problem' and not a tank problem. So here is how you evaluate it. CHEAP DIAGNOSIS! Cut a 3/8" circle out of a 2 liter soda bottle or milk carton. Drop it in the ASA and screw in the bottle. That will depress the valve stem .005 - .010" If your problem improves or goes away, then you know that is your problem so you can make arrangements for an warrenty exchange or fix. It is also a temporary fix you can use to play with so you don't miss your scheduled paintball. My local store can install and change valve stems on the PE tanks. Just had one fixed myself for $6 bucks. Cheaper than shipping one off to the factory.... |
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