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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

Hammers and Electro's

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Posted by:

on January 25, 2003 at 20:43:04

Ok I've put my order in for an E-Blade for my STO, I love those things, everyone who likes Electros should own an E-Blade Cocker,

The question...I use the stock hammer, and I was considering buying a heavier hammer, there are a few on the market, anything to help consistancy, brass, stainless, tungstun too, now I see there are new light weight hammers for Electro Cockers, ugh oh! I want to gain all I can from the E-blade, the lesser weight of the hammer will increase the cycle time I would assume and I'm not as concerned with the cocking pressure to reduce ball chops as I'll have the ElectroEye to prevent hopefully all of those, so does anyone feel it is a true bennefit or will it hurt the consistancy at the chrono?

Any comments are welcomed and to anyone with an E-Blade now if there is anything you have done to modify your setup since adding the E-Blade I'd like to know.

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