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WARPIG Tech Talk - Autococker / Minicocker

O-ring = better seal

In Reply to: bolt orings and loaders posted by Cruton on February 26, 2003 at 20:17:35:

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Posted by:
on February 26, 2003 at 21:48:05

O-rings flex to fit the ID of the body, so you get a better fit, but have more drag than a delrin bolt.
On the other hand, a custom fit delrin bolt will perform almost the same as a bolt with o-rings.
Most places making delrin bolts are making them small enough to fit into ANY cocker, so if you get lucky, it might be a good fit, but chances are it will be sloppy inside the upper tube.

: I have an ANS quickpull bolt and I just can't seem to get rid of all the blowback. I thought that maybe a different bolt would help with this. Now some bolts say "no orings so you don't get blowback" and some say "has orings so you don't get blowback" Do I want orings on my bolt or not. I'm confused. Also, I keep reading about people with eblades etc and I was just wondering what kind of hoppers you guys are using to keep up with these super high rates of fire?

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