Is this true ??
Posted by: "dave from The Coalition" on June 08, 2004 at 13:27:33
I was in Gainesville, FL this weekend playing in the NOCER Productions game and keeping an eye on Dale and Rich (God, they shoot WAY too much!) and seeing why they like NOCER Productions so much...when lo and behold, I see Ben Torricelli, Billy Smith, and the NOCER Boys talking amongst themselves...after the game, they announced that an 'alternative' game would be held the first weekend in December at Low Country Paintball in Ludowici, Georgia. This 'alternative' game would feature FREE entry, Bring your own paint, and FREE Camping on Smith's property. Big deal, right? So a field op and some producers want to show some appreciation to the players that support them? Sounds cool to me! When I got back to my super-secret compound and fired up the 'puter o' doom (connections were slow at the field), I discovered that this year's Grand Finale at Wayne's World in Ocala, FL would be held the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of December...which happens to be the first weekend of December... Are these producers and the field op giving Wayne Dollack, alleged to be the "Father of Scenario Paintball" the proverbial finger? Or do they not know how to read a calender? I attempted to speak with the NOCER guys, but they were extremely busy during the course of the game, and after it was all said and done, Dale did some sort of interview with them, then talked quietly with them afterwards. Dale's wife was nearby the whole time, and she didn't seem too inclined to let someone near without speaking to them...which is precisely what I was trying to avoid, since Dale's not too happy with me for the little picture I took of him with Jerry Braun at the Orlando Open. I'll dig around some more and see what I can come up with... Got some juicy gossip to share? Email me at thepaintballinsider@yahoo.com ! © Copyright 2004, 68Caliber.Com
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