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JC Penney and Macy's

In Reply to: posted by on June 19, 2004 at 16:04:24:

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Posted by:
"Viper Paintball Scenarios"

on June 19, 2004 at 18:35:14

When JC Penny or Macy's has a sale neither of them claims that they are doing it as a favor to shoppers. It is obvious they are competing for the same customers, and they make no attempt to disguise that fact.

If you have no motive other than doing folks a favor, then do it. If your motive is competition, then admit it. But don't practice aggressive competitive business tactics and label them as generosity. This is a free enterprise, capitalist system. If you are going to be aggressively competitive, then do it and deal with public opinion. But don't blow smoke up peoples' butts and expect them to just accept it. They are smarter than that, and will respond with contempt if they feel that their intelligence is being insulted.

"I never realized paintball players had that low of an I.Q."

They don't.

"Well, it's not right that every store in the United States has a big sale on the same day as every other store but it works out for everyone in the end so get over it!"

The day after Christmas is traditionally a big shopping day as people are already out returning unwanted gifts and spending gift certificates. What is it that the promoters of the event being discussed think that the first weekend of December is a great weekend for paintball...moreso than any other? Actually it's a lousy one if you think about it. Most folks are saving money to buy presents. Oh yeah, taditionally it's a big paintball day because of...(drumroll) "Florida's Grand Finale."


I have an event the same weekend (Labor Day weekend) as "Celebrity Paintball" up in Chicago. I'm over 1000 miles away, so it's not really an issue. Were I a couple of hours away, and chose this date as opposed to one of the other 51 weekends of the year I would expect some flack, even though a three-day weekend is a great weekend for a scenario game.

MXS has their second annual "Texas Throwdown" coming up in December. Why not April? Because my "Texas Revolution" event has been in April for a number of years. Do I have an event on the same week3end as the "Throwdown?" No. Should I produce a free event that weekend? Not unless I want to pi$$ off MXS and take flack from the players. Should I have a free, BYOP event the weekend after as a little "Thank you" to the players out here? Maybe.

You'll either get it or you won't. Those who get it already did. If you don't then all of the typing in the world won't make any difference.

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  • Oh my god... "Viper Paintball Scenarios" 18:37:14 06/19/04 (0)

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