Re: "This is all about choices" "player appreciation" |
Posted by: "fanof24n48" on June 19, 2004 at 16:04:24
Lets all have a short discussion. The day after Thanksgiving. Biggest shopping day of the year. Why? Every store within 2 feet from each other are having wonderful sales getting ready for the holiday season. Oh, but wait. They are all having their sales on the same day!! Well, I don't like that(sarcasm), so only JCPenney can have their sale on that day. Macy's can wait until the Friday following that. What is wrong with this? The same thing that is wrong with everyone saying, 'It's not right to have both games the same weekend!' Well, it's not right that every store in the United States has a big sale on the same day as every other store but it works out for everyone in the end so get over it! This country was built on the foundation of freedom. Every paintball player has the freedom to make their own choices. What's the matter? Having two choices rather than 2 million choices 'perplexes' some of you, does it? Wow! I never realized paintball players had that low of an I.Q. You have a hard time putting your socks on in the morning too I suppose. Decisions, decisions. Which foot do I put the sock on first, the left or the .........other one? There are only 2 choices! What to do?!?!?! Well, it might interest you to know that Low Country Paintball will be open the weekend following their free finale so everyone can still play both weekends. Or did you not think of that? Why should these people move the day of their event? Give me a real reason instead of lame excuses. We are being appreciated by no entry fee and BYOP. What more could we ask for? Who's fault is it that other players need a place to 'burn' paint leftover from Wayne's event? If it didn't take 2 hours to get 1 mission, no one would need to 'burn' leftover paint. There wouldn't be any leftover paint! I didn't see any thumbing noses. Did I miss that? Your head must have been to far in the anal cavity for anyone to see that. We, as players, should not ask any field owner/operator to move the day of THEIR event because we don't like the choice! Everyone has to make choices everyday that will affect them for the rest of thier lives. Afraid to make the wrong one?
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