Re: December game
In Reply to: What are you people thinking? posted by fanof24n48 on June 09, 2004 at 21:05:07:
Posted by: One Man Army on June 11, 2004 at 17:45:19
here we go again. why are we getting involved in this silliness yet again! there is absolutely no reason to hold a game the first week of december of any sort--unless your intention is simply to puke on Wayne. i have participated in over 20 of wayne's games and have always had a great time. paint problems, ref problems, player problems--when you have hundreds of paintballers in the same area for 24 hours you're going to have some sparks. wayne puts on the best game he can, safe and fair--he surrounds himself with quality individuals and has the interests of us everyday players at heart. i have seen him GIVE AWAY more stuff than most promoters have seen. i just wish we could get away from this negativity and play paintball. let's hear from the players--what do you think? |
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