What are you people thinking? |
Posted by: fanof24n48 on June 09, 2004 at 21:05:07
What is wrong with everyone nowadays? If these people want to hold a FREE game and BYOP, then how are they making money? The answer is, THEY'RE NOT!!!! You said earlier that the reason to put on a game is to make money. What is the basis of your opinion? These producers and Low Country Paintball would like to invite people to a free event for player appreciation. Without the players, paintball would not be what it is today and these guys just want to let everyone know that they are appreciated. They just want to thank the players, not cause problems with other fields. Did you ever think that it was scheduled on that day for a reason? Maybe everyone doesn't like paying out the ass for paint at 'The Grand Finale'. Maybe everyone doesn't like waiting for hours to run their first mission. (Such as was the case of the last grand finale.) As a paintball player, I wouldn't go back to the grand finale even if it was free! Last years choke points sucked! The paint, 32 degrees and at $75/case! What kind of rip-off is that? How can you think that this game and its producers are out to make money? Last year, I'm pretty sure that Wayne made a lot of money. Especially with crappy paint at an outrageous price. That is not the case with this other game. There is no way they can be in it for the money. I am glad that this field and its' producers have come up with a way to appreciate us, the little guys that spend enough money at the fields and shops all year long. With a free game and BYOP, I will have more money to spend on my children at Christmas. Hats off to everyone involved with the free game! I'll be there.
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